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Spiritual Letter 72 - "E-mail Version"                        About Spiritual Letter
Title:  "God Saved You, Now You Must Try To Save God"
Date Written: May, June, July, August, September, October, 2005
Written by:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to:  Mr. Tom Brokaw, Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life
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07. Closing Comments - before we die to the flesh, we must join in partnership with God within us, to become all that we "Already are", but this time with an understand of our Faith, our Purity, our Clarity, and our "Oneness", so it will never leave "Us" again. Amen
                                                                                - go to "Text of Topic 07"
Expanded Summary of Topic 07:

May we learn to do this with our life, to do at least what an apple seed does, that is,
to germinate and reveal what God has hidden within it, that is, for "us" in partnership
with God within us, to let what has been hidden within us by God within us to be
revealed by God within us, and if we do, then when He does, "We will be within it", as the Witness, the Witness of the telling and completing of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us  Amen.

And in this way, with "us" joined in partnership with God within us becoming a
Witness of the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, becoming a Witness of what
God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of
the Creation of God within us, and "We will be within it", and with "us", joined in partnership with God within us, if we like, doing all of this within us, before we die to the flesh, or at least with "us" truly joining in partnership with "God within us", to truly start this journey of the soul within us back into God within us, before we die to the flesh, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come.

For then God will do "Everything else", and when God is finished, "We will be within it", as His Witness, for this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age, and in this way, with "us" as "One with God within us, returning to God within us, like the rain returning to the ocean, from which it has come, having completed its duty as rain, as "separate from" the ocean, again becoming the ocean, no longer existing as the rain, no longer existing as "separate from" the ocean. Amen

                                                                                - go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 07"
Text of Topic 07:

My dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, please try to be patient with what we have shared with you in this Spiritual Letter, about the truth of us, and about the truth of God within us, as we know this provides a very different perspective about us, about God within us, and about our current life, that is, about the "outside" of us, and about God within us.

A very different perspective about our current life, about our source, which is God within us, and about what God is doing within us, which is revealing God within us, as an apple seed reveals the sweet taste of the apple within it, and in this way, about the potential within each of us to truly return to our source, allowing God within us to finish what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, through our faith and trust in God within us, through our using God within us, to get to God within us.

That is, through our joining in partnership with God within us, to first find and become
"One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age,
and then through this "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, through this "Word of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us, to allow God within to make our life truly successful in our lifetime.

Realizing that in truth the "Children of God" for our age is all of us living in our age, if we truly want it, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, not for the life on the "outside" of us, but for our soul life within us, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again.

And realizing that in truth the "life and teaching" of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now the "outside" of us, is the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), like this Spiritual Letter you are now reading.  Amen.

So please, please, please don't miss this time in your life, while the fire within us all is still burning for our age, and "Get Right With God" within us, that is, join in partnership with Him within us all, and let our soul return to God within us, from which it has come from within us, and if we do, then when it has, "We will be within it", as the Witness of this glorious re-union between God and the Light of man within us.  Amen.  Amen.

Please give our love and salams (greetings from the heart) to all of your family and friends, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, and especially to your mother my dearest loving brother Aron, for in truth her true prayers to God within us all, which in truth allowed God to intervene in your fate, saved your life in that canyon from certain death, hopefully for something more than just more mountain climbing, and in truth saved each of us from our certain death, in each of our personal canyons, if we only have the heart and wisdom to see it, for in truth "We are all One".

Hopefully saved each of us to be His true Child for our age, and to join in partnership with God within us to again become "One with" God within us, before you die to the flesh.

And in this way, for each of "us" to join in partnership with God within us, to first save ourselves, if we like, and then to save the rest of us, if we like, which is the purpose of this Spiritual Letter, if you like.

To then save the rest of us from the fate that we all have all truly earned for eternity, by the way that we have "selfishly" lived our lives on the "outside" of us, up to this point, by the way that we have truly squandered the "Gifts" of God within us, up to this
point, truly earning for our efforts, up to this point, truly earning for our current life on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" God within us, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.

Truly earning an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, unless God intervenes in our fate, as He has in the life of the three of us, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, that is, if we will only let Him, before we finally physically die to the "outside" of us, and in this way, with God within us then guiding us all back into the "Oneness" within us, from which we have all come, that is the true heritage, the true birth right, the destiny of our soul, if we like, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again..

Please tell them all, all of your friends and family, that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in our prayers.

And please, before you "say or do: another thing, on the "outside" of you, join in partnership with God within you, to become "One with" the true "Gift of God" for our age, which is already within each of us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we want it or not, because in truth it is our birth right, our heritage, the destiny of our soul, for our age.

And share this sharing with them, share this Spiritual Letter with them, so they too can Choose, that is, so they too can either Choose to join in partnership with God for our age, or not, that is, Choose to join with the true "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, or not, Choose to join as "One with" the true "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, or not, which in truth is each of us living in our age, if we want it, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life, is correct, to allow it to return to God within us, from which it has come, before we die to the flesh, in order for God within us to do this "Heart's Work" within us, or not, before we die to the flesh.

That is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us,
we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us, which is very real possibility for our age.

And for our age, this "Gift of God" for our age, this "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, this "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, if we like, and now on the "outside" of us, is the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like. Amen.

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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Spiritual Letter 72
- E-mail Version -

This page was last updated on: October 22, 2005