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Title: "God Saved You, Now You Must Try To Save God" Date Written and Posted: May, June, July, August, September, & October, 2005 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. Tom Brokaw, Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life Page 1 of 2
Go To: Main Menu - for "Outline & Summary Version" of Spiritual Letter 72 Go To: E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of most Topics) Go To: "E-mail Alert" - for Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of 2 Topics)
============================================================= Short Overview - of Spiritual Letter 72
The first purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you is to share with both of you something amazing that has happened within the life of this child, as the two of you shared with us the other day on NBC Dateline, shared with us about the amazing thing that had happened in the life of Aron Ralston, that is, about his being saved by God from his certain death, saved by God from his fate, because of the love and devotion to God of his mother, but for what purpose. So he can climb more mountains? So it would seem.
And the second purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, is to propose a different outcome to the life of both of you, because in truth both of you have been saved, saved by God from your fate, one dying according to his fate as a "mountain man" and the other dying according to his fate as an "anchor man", if God had not intervened, in both of your lives, giving both of you another chance, another shot at truly becoming successful in your lifetime. Something to certainly think about. Yes? ============================================================= Page 1 of 2
Main Menu: - of "Outline & Summary Version"
Go To: E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of most Topics) Go To: Expanded Topics - for some Topics (e.g. Topic 01) of Spiritual Letter 72 ============================================================= ============================================================= Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 72
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is "Page 1 of 2" of a beautiful Spiritual Letter, of "Spiritual Letter 72", to Mr. Tom Brokaw, previous Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life.
And to each of you, the Children of God for our age, if you like, that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, have instructed this child to write, and to send to each of you, living at the feet of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) within us, and of God within Him, and now living on the "outside" of us, at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) for our age, which is known by all of the wise through the ages as the "Kali Yuga".
At the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we only want it, that is, if that be the true intention of our life, that is, if the true intention of our life is to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen .
In the age known as the "Kali Yuga", the "Age of Destruction", where either "we" as the "outside" of us are destroyed, or we join in partnership with God within us in order to "See God and Steady Him" within us, allowing God within us to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from God within us, as if we are "separate from' each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from' the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
That is, either we go the way of everything that in our ignorance has grown within us, which in our ignorance we currently see only as our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside", or we join in partnership with God within us to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, in this way, escaping from both the "Suffering of the grave" within us, and from Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, after we die to the flesh.
For in truth what we have currently grown within us in our ignorance, which are like weeds in a beautiful flower garden, and which we are currently experiencing in our ignorance as the "outside" of us, as our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, is what after we die to the flesh, die in our current state of "separation from" God within us, becomes both the "Suffering of the Grave" within us, and Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, after we die to the flesh, that is, if we have failed to join in partnership with God within us, in order to "See God" within us, and "Steady Him" within us.
And the choice is ours, not God's, because God has already made His choice, and He chose "Oneness with" us, and that is why we now exist on the "outside" of us, so through contrast we can choose, because "understanding only occurs through contrast", so we can either choose "us" on the "outside" of us or choose God within us, so we can either choose "us" as "separate from" God within us for eternity, or choose "us" as "One with" God for eternity, and in this way, the choice is ours, not God's, is our choice, not God's choice.
That is, either we choose an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
In this way, the choice is ours, before we die to the flesh, but if we physically die to the "outside" of us, to the flesh, and have not made a choice, then God will choose for us, based on what we have told God that we want for eternity, according to the "Justice of God" within us, according to what we have said to God within us, and what we have shown to God within us, about what we want for eternity, while living on the "outside" us, by what we have told God by our actions, not just by our words, that we truly want for eternity.
For as our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter, in "Spiritual Letter 72", and in this Library, in the "On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library" (www.Bawa.homestead. com), is that,
"The Justice of God, is that whatever we intend is what we will receive".
For more on this "Wisdom Point", please click HERE, or at the "top of the page", or on the following: Expanded Introduction - to "Spiritual Letter 72". Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
May all the peace, beneficence, and blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). ============================================================== Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 "Silent Outline" - with no short summary of each Topic (for Page 01 and 02)
Page 01: - this Page, that is, the Page you are currently reading
of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) like, if we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God 2-0. Background Information - continued 2-2. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued Page 02: - click HERE, to go to Page 02 (end of "Text", but "Outline" continues)
2-0. Background Information - continued 2-3. Who is M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued 2-3-5. Such Is Our Current State - of "separation from" God within us, that is only leading us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us 2-3-6. Quotations From The "Gospel of John": Chapter 01 & 05 3-0. Establishing The "Presence of God" - Within Us 4-0. A Message From God Within Us All - to the Children of God for our age 5-0. Our Story - whether we like it or not, and even whether we want it or not 5-1. Quotation From "Gospel of John": - Chapter 01, Verses 1 -15 6-0. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - it becomes aware of "who it is" 7-0. Closing Comments - in truth we are "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, if we like, if the true intention for our life within us is for this to happen within us, before we die to the flesh, nothing less and nothing more. Amen ============================================================= "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic (for Page 01 and 02)
Page 01: - this Page, that is, the Page you are currently reading
name for each of us in our age? 2-0-0. Background Information - continued 2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God for this age, if we like, and then join in partnership with God within us to make it so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, with the Trunk of Iman, or "Perfected Faith" in God within us. And with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, which reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet of God" within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age. And if we like, tells us what we need to hear about who we "Already are" for each age, preparing us for our age, when we must make our choice, before it is all over, before the "outside" of us ends for all of us, and we all go onto the hereafter, spending eternity either as "One with" God within us, or as "separate from" God within us, depending on the "crop we grew", the "house we built", while living on the "outside" of us. In this way, the Choice is Ours, not God's 2-0-0. Background Information - continued 2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued 2-2-5. The "Path of God" Within Us - as the "Gift of God" within us, which is what we must join with God within us , to become "One with" within us, if we are to return to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which then joined as "One with" us within God within us, they can then walk back to God within us, if they like, if they are ever to return to God within them within us. Amen 2-2-6. As God Did It Before, So God Must Now Do It Again - but this time, within us, for this is the truth of our life, and the truth of God within our life, and in this way, we are all One, that is, "us", and God within us, and what God is doing within us, are all one, if we like, and what God is doing within us, if we will only let Him, if we will only join as "One with" Him within us, is to do it again, is to do what He did before again, that is, to become God again, but this time within us, that is, for God within us to again reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen. 2-0-0. Background Information - continued
Page 02: - click HERE, to go to Page 02 (end of "Text", but "Outline" continues)
2-3-5. Such Is Our Current State - of "separation from" God within us, that is only leading us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, which in truth is the only hell there is, and it is within us, a hell that we are personally building within us, with every thought, look, and deed on the "outside" of us, with "us" continuing to try and live on the "outside" of us as if "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, for God is closer to us than our own breath. And this is the truth us, and of God within us, and of our current state. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen 2-3-6. Quotations From The "Gospel of John": - Chapters 01 & 05 3-0-0. Establishing The "Presence of God" - Within Us, before we "say or do" anything, by saying the "Name of God" for our age, by saying the "Name of our Wisdom" for our age. In this way, calling our wisdom to come from the "Place of God" within us, to come from the "Place of Purity" within us, for our age, which is where God currently lives within us, and come into the "Place of impurity" within us, into the "Place of us", of "us" as "separate from" God within us, which is where we currently live within us, which is our mind and desire within us. And in this way, allowing our Wisdom to stand up within us, causing our mind and desire to sit down within us, perhaps for the very first time within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us. In this way establishing the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything, before we sin, on the "outside" of us, because in truth God lives within our wisdom within us, and now so must we, as the "Witness" of what God is doing within us, if we are truly "born again", if we truly "die before death", before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen 4-0. A Message From God Within Us All - to our brother Aron, and to all of us living in this age, if we like 5-0. Our Story - which is "us" coming to the First of God's School, the "School of Contrast", to understand what "separates us" from God, and having learned our lessons, having passed our exams, having graduated from this First of God's Schools, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, we must then go off to the Next of God's Schools, the "School of Light", where God will personally and every so lovingly teach us about God within us, and then about True Man within God within us. Amen 5-1. Quotation From "Gospel of John" - Chapter 01, Verses 1 -15 6-0. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - because the apple seed becomes aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and because the earth then become aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree to grow, and then out of this mutual awareness, the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and the apple seed surrenders to the earth, and the apple seed germinates. That is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, because the apple seed becomes aware of the truth of itself, and the truth of what is hidden within it, and then lets the "truth surrender to the truth" within it, and it will be within it, becoming the Witness of what then occurs 7-0. Closing Comments - may we learn to do this with our life, to do at least what an apple seed does, that is, to germinate and reveal what God has hidden within it, that is, for "us" in partnership with God within us, to let what has been hidden within us by God within us to be revealed by God within us, and we will be within it, and in this way, with "us" joined in partnership with God within us becoming a Witness of the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, becoming a Witness of what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and we will be within it, and doing all of this within us, before we die to the flesh, or at least truly joining in partnership with "God within us", to truly start this journey of the soul within us back into God within us, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, for then God will do everything else, and we will be within it, for this is "God's Promise", "God's Guarantee" for our age, and in this way, with "us" as "One with" God within us, returning to God within us, like the rain returning to the ocean, from which it has come, having completed its duty as rain, as "separate from" the ocean, again becoming the ocean, no longer existing as the rain, no longer existing as "separate from" the ocean. Amen ============================================================= Text of Spiritual Letter: 1-0. The Purpose - of This Spiritual Letter, and of the life of each one of us
(Note: For the "Latest Version" of Topic 1-0, please go to "E-mail Alert", or click HERE, and to read an "Expanded Version" of Topic 1-0, please click HERE)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kullahu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom Brokaw and Aron Ralston - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
The first purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you is to share with both of you something amazing that has happened within the life of this child, as the two of you shared with us the other day on NBC Dateline, shared with us about the amazing thing that had happened in the life of Aron, that is, his being saved by God from his certain death, saved by God from his fate, because of the love and devotion to God of his mother, but for what purpose. So he can climb more mountains? So it would seem.
And this is the second purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, to propose a different outcome to the life of both of you, because in truth both of you have been saved, saved by God from your fate, one dying according to their fate as a "mountain man" and the other dying as an "anchor man", if God had not intervened, in both of your lives, giving both of you another chance, another shot at truly becoming successful in your lifetime. Something to certainly think about. Yes?
In one case saving Aron from his lonely death at the bottom of a canyon, and in the other case saving Tom from his lonely death at the bottom of "fame", in this way, saving them both, but for what purpose.
And truly saving them only if they like, that is, if Aron and Tom, or either one of them, truly want to be saved from their fate, from what they in their ignorance have grown between themselves and their source, between themselves and God within them, have grown in their short temporary life on the "outside" of themselves as what now "separates them" from God within themselves, as what now "separates them" from each other on the "outside" of themselves, and as what now "separates them" from the Creation of God within us, from the "Earth of God" within us, within which God has planted the "Seed of God" within us, which in truth is just waiting for "us" to join as "One with" it, so it can germinate, and in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within us, and the "Fruits of God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, "whatever we intend is what we will receive", both now and for eternity. Such is the Justice of God. And in this way, it is always our choice, that is, how we live now till we die, and how we will live for eternity after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us. Such is our choice, not God's choice.
For in the end God will always give us our choice, God will always give us exactly what we truly intend for our life, no matter what our words may be, no matter what we may say to the world is what we want, for in truth our words and our actions are not the same, for in truth we are all hypocrites, saying one thing while doing another, holding one thing on our lips but another within our heart, and our hypocrisy is our downfall, leading us day by to hell, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
Such is the truth of our lives, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, of all of us, if we like, if we only have the eyes to see it, to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, and such is the fate of each of us living in the world today, also if we like, if we fail to become wise in our lifetime, which in truth is to die to whatever we have in our ignorance collected over the years on the "outside" of us, to whatever we have built over the years, to whatever crop we have sown, nourished, grown, and brought to maturity within us, to whatever we have picked up and accumulated in our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.
A life that now "define us", as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, a life that now "define us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, a temporary short life on the "outside" of us which now defines us incorrectly, and which then becomes, if we die in that state, of living a life dis-connected from God within us, dis-connected from the truth of us within us, which then becomes our eternal life after we die, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is always our hell, since in truth each of us is much more than that, for in truth each of us is "Of God" within us, and is not of the life and world and fate that we are all currently experiencing on the "outside" of us.
That is, a fate that continues to be our life on the "outside" of us, till we physically die to the "outside" of us, if we let it, and that then becomes our eternal life within us, after we die to the flesh, that is, if God does not intervene in our life, as He most certainly has in the life of Aron, which we all can all see by watching your program on Dateline, but more subtly, as He most certainly has intervened in the life of each of us living in the world today, because what we have truly received in our life, in the life of each one of us, is not in any way what we have truly earned.
Only through the infinite love and mercy and compassion of God within us, have we been shielded from our true rewards for our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
With God all the while watching us, and saving us, and saving us, and saving us, over and over again, from our fate, from our thoughts, from our actions and conduct, from what has grown within us in our ignorance, from what we have actually done with the beautiful gifts that God has given to us when we first came into this earth world, into this "School of Contrasts".
Into the "School of Contrasts" within us, which is the first of the many "Schools of God's" within us, which in truth is where we have now come to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, for understanding only occurs through contrast, and having learned our lessons, having passed our exams, and having graduated from this first of God's School within us, from the "School of Contrasts" within us, which we see in our ignorance as existing as "our life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, if we can do this, before we die to the flesh, then we can go to the next of God's Schools, to the "School of Light", were God personally teaches us about God within us. Amen.
But very few, if any of us are doing this true work within us, this "Heart's Work" within us, of understanding who we "Already are", for that is the true purpose of our life in the world, and instead of this, most of us, if not all of us, are so busy acting on the "Stage of Drama" that we see in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, and as a result nobody is watching the play, everyone is in the play, and there is no real learning going on, as long as we all are on the stage trying to recite our lines, trying to hit our cue, trying to make an impression.
And the only one sitting in the audience is God, everyone else is on the state, and because of that nobody is learning, and nobody will be ready to go to the next of God's Schools, nobody will learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, nobody will pass the exams, and graduate from this first of God's Schools, from this "School of Contrast" and move onto the next of God's Schools, to the "School of Light", to learn from God about God within us, allowing God within us to finish what He has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, this is the purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, and to all of the Children of God for this age, which in truth is all of us living in the world, if we like, that is, if the true intention of our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us.
May God grant us the grace of His wisdom to truly do this "Heart's Work" within us, before it is too late to do this work in our life, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, or before one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, which is also a real possibility in our age.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
1-1. Opening Comments - to Tom Brokaw
Thank you my dearest loving brother Tom Brokaw, thank you very much for your many years of honest reporting as the anchor at NBC, and for the program recently aired by you on Aron Ralston, the young man who cut off his own hand to free himself from death, which was a very beautiful story, a very inspirational story, a story if we like, if we have the heart to hear it, about how God takes care of us, no matter what, if we only reach out to Him in our hour of need, which in truth is ever moment of our life.
But being saved by God is not enough, is not the main point in this story, for there is an inner meaning to this story that both Aron and each of us must take from this experience, if his experience is to be of real value to us.
And the inner meaning is that to become truly successful in our lifetime we must try to save God within us, we must try to join in partnership with God within us to allow God to finish what He has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
Which is also the work of the apple tree, of its fruits, and of its seeds, if we only have the heart to see it, that in truth an apple tree always sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple tree, by bearing fruits, and the apple fruit always sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple fruit, by hiding an apple seed within its sweet taste, and the apple seed sometimes sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple seed, by letting itself die in the earth, die to its ego or "separation and differences", by letting itself die in partnership with the earth, in order to reveal the apple tree hidden within it.
For in truth such is the "Oneness" of the apple tree, the apple fruits, and the apple seeds, and their common purpose, to again reveal itself by becoming the seed of something else, by dying to itself, to its ego, so what is hidden within it can be revealed, and can then lead the way to it being revealed again, that is, if everything in the way always does the same thing, that is, dies to itself, to its ego, so what is hidden within it can live, for not all apple seeds germinate.
Some apple seeds fail to germinate, fail to give up their life of "separation and differences" buried within the earth, fail to give up their ego, their selfishness, and eventually rot in the earth, forever giving up their connection to the story of the apple seed becoming the apple tree, the story of the apple tree bearing fruit, and the story of the apple fruit revealing again the apple seed, a story that the apple seed came to the earth from the apple tree, to join as "one with" the earth, to tell.
And that is the reason we have written you and Aron this letter, to share the inner meaning of this story, of Aron's story and the story of each of us, which has come into the heart of this child, over and over again, after listening to your program.
The inner meaning of Aron's story and of the story of each of us, which is the story the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, just as the inner meaning of the story of the apple tree and of its fruits is the "Oneness of the apple tree and its apples" within the apple seed, for in truth they are all one, the apple tree, the apple fruits, and the apple seed, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, and in truth so are we, so is God, True Man, and each of "us", as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God, or the "Earth of God" within us..
For the inner meaning of this story, then forces us, if we do not join in partnership with God within us, to come to fully understand and apply this inner meaning to our own life, before we die to the flesh, then forces us to also go the way of the apple seeds that fail to germinate, and rot in our "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, forever breaking our connection to the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within each of us, which in truth is our birthright, is our heritage, is the destiny of our soul.
Which in truth is our birthright, is our heritage, is the destiny of our soul, and is not in any way something that we have to earn or become worthy of, any more than an apple seed has to become worthy of revealing the apple tree hidden within it, all it has to do is realize, understand, accept, and join as "one with" who it "already is", which is an apple seed buried within the earth, then the inner meaning of its life is naturally revealed, the story of the "oneness of the apple tree and the apple fruits" within the apple seed is naturally told, and naturally comes to completion, and in coming to completion again reveals the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold.
And in this way, some people, like some apple seeds, do germinate, do bite the bullet so to speak, and come to realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of themselves, before they rot in their "separation and differences" on the "outside" of them, before they die to the flesh, and in this way, some people do germinate to the truth within us, that is, die to ourselves, to our ego on the "outside" of us, to our selfishness, and in this way, reveal what we are in truth the seed of, which is God within us, and reveal what God has hidden within each of us, which is Himself and His Fruits, which is True Man, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us,
And for those people who do germinate to the truth of themselves, like for those apple seeds that do like wise, our life has truly been successful in our lifetime, and we will spend eternity as "One with" God and within us, and with True Man within God within us, but for those people who don't, then we will force God within us to give us the alternative, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth the only hell there is, which in truth is an eternal life as "separate from" who in truth we really are, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as in truth the apple seed is the apple tree and its fruits. Can we not do at least as much with our life as an apple seed.
And in this way, if we fail to understand this inner meaning to Aron's story, which in truth is the inner meaning of the story of each of us now living in the world today, then we will force God within us to give us an eternal life as "separate from" Him within us, when we do finally die to the flesh, an eternal life as "separate from" the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, because then that has become what we truly want in our life, then that is what we have told God within us that we want for eternity by the way we have lived our life on the "outside" of us.
In this way, with us then getting an eternal life as we are now currently living it on the outside of us, as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, not an eternal life as "One with" God within us, and as "One with" True Man within God within us, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again, which is the only reason we came to this earth world in the first place. And in this way, the choice is ours, not God's.
And this is the inner meaning of the story that you and Aron told us on TV, which we would very much like to now share more about with both you and with Aron, if you like, that is, after a few opening comments to Aron, and a few "Background Things", like the following, starting in the next section.
each of us in our age? Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and what is His significance for each of us in our age?
1-2. Opening Comments - to Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life
Thank you my dearest loving brother Aron Ralston for the courage and determination that you showed us recently as you told your story to Tom Brokaw. It was truly an exciting and uplifting story, a story that we have been reflecting upon since we first saw it on TV.
But there is another part to the story that you told us that you may not be fully aware of, which if understood puts what you shared with us into a whole new perspective, hopefully a "life changing" perspective, and that is what this child would like to share with both you and Tom Brokaw at this time.
To begin, lets start with a little back ground on Louie Beutler, the name my mother and father gave this child, followed by a little background on the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which is one of the names given to a "Light of God" who came into the world over 1000 years ago, in a little village called Jilani, right outside of the city of Baghdad in Iraq, of the one who came into the world at that time, forever changing the direction of Islam, returning it to its original purity which is known in the Islamic tradition as "Din al-Islam", the faith of surrender to the will of Allah, of the one known in that age as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), of the one known as:
"The giver of life back to true belief."
And as:
"The bringer of the pure light of truth."
And finally a little background on the life and teaching of the Holy Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen in 1980, of the Holy Man who is known in our age as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the life and teaching of God for our age, as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth", for our age, as the one who Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to send to us over 2000 years ago, to teach us in our age what we could not bear to hear in His age, that is, at the time Jesus (peace be upon Him) lived and taught in the world.
1-3. Quotation From The "Gospel of John" - Chapter 16, Verses 7 to 15
--- Beginning of Quotation From the "Gospel of John", Chapter 16 ---
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment: (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you.
--- End of Quotation From the "Gospel of John", Chapter 16 ---
2-0. Background Information
2-1. Who Is Louie Beutler?
My dearest loving brothers, like each of you this child has been on a journey for the last 30 years, and counting, living at the feet of a wise and holy saint, His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
So who am I? Who is Louie Beutler? A worldly answer is very easy. I have lived in America all my life, as did my parents, and I am of German and Irish ancestry. I graduated from Villanova University in 1962 with a BS Degree In Electrical Engineering.
I also graduated from Temple University in 1972 with a Masters Degree in Special Education, and again from Villanova University in 1987 with a Masters Degree in Computer Science. I was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps.
I have worked in America for 36 years as an Engineer, Salesmen, Teacher, Computer Programmer, Manager, and finally as a Computer Specialist for Unisys Corporation for 18 years, finally ending up as the "Road Man" for 25 house painters, attending to their every need, which turned out to be the best job of my life, a job where "Lou" again became "Louie".
And now I have retired, and I devote all of my time to the pursuit of my freedom, just as you have my dearest loving brothers.
As for a spiritual answer, the answer is also very easy. I met His Holiness in 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when I was 36 years old, and have been absorbed in His Big Picture for the last 26 years, a Big Picture that fits so beautifully with the picture Aron has painted in his story, and that Tom has painted in his nightly broadcasts, and in his publications, and thank God, a Picture that goes beyond all of this, to provide us with an even Bigger Picture, the Picture that is needed to finish what we have all started in our life, without even realizing it, but that only God can finish in His life, when our life and His life again become One, if we like.
2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral)? - and the significance of this name for each of us in our age?
2-2-1. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - within us?
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is the first name of us on the "inside" of us, it is the name of us when we truly know the difference between good and bad within us, by truly accepting and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age, before we die to the flesh. Then we can begin to learn.
It is the first name that God gives to the inside of us, to the original inside of us, which is our pure birth and life within us, after it is awakened by the "Gift of God" for our age, that is, when the wisdom surrounding our soul is awakened by the "Word of God" for our age, and then does battle with the "Enemy of our soul", in order to liberate our soul, to liberate our pure birth and life within us, from our impure birth and life within us, which is the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is the current "us" on the "outside" of us, which is our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, our current life of "selfishness" that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, which in truth are the lives of darkness and evil that we have allowed in our ignorance to grow within us, which now in our ignorance rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with "God's Permission", until we "See God and Steady Him" within us. Amen.
Until then, we interpret our own thoughts as wisdom, while in truth it is just the lives of darkness and evil within us talking to us.
And the name of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is the first state of the Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, on the "Path of God" within Them (peace be upon Them) within us. Amen.
It is the first state of each of the 8 main Prophets of God within us, and of all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets) within us, who came into the world within us over and over again, for the last 200 million years, to help us repent of our sin within us, to help us recover from our fall from the Grace of God within us, by allowing "us", if we like, to join in partnership with God within us, in order to understand it, to understand our fall from the Grace of God within us, to understand our "separation from" God within us.
And having understood it, if we like, to again join in partnership with God within us to return as "One with" God within us, but this with an understanding of our sin within us, of our fall from the Grace of God within us, this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" within us, so we will never fall again, so we will never again become "separated from" God within us, so we will never again live a life of "separation and differences" in the world that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, as we are currently doing, but which in truth is within us, is the world of darkness and evil that we have allowed in our ignorance to grow and come to maturity within us, but which in truth are the 105 million lives of darkness and evil that now ruling over us as the 9 openings of our body, with God's Permission. Amen.
With each of us now in our age, now doing this with our life within us, if we like, again becoming "One with" God within us, if we like, because God has made it so for our age, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, and in this way, to join in partnership with God within us to allow our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, to come to an end, before we die to the flesh.
With each of us in our age, joined in partnership with God within us, now doing this with our life within us, which will return us to God within us, in our lifetime, as "One with" God within us, if we like, instead of continuing to live our current life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
Doing all of this, joined in partnership with God within us, in the same way that Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) first did it within us, before us, who are the true mother and father of our current state, of our current state on the "outside" of us of "separation from" God within us, of our current state of living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance as if we are "separate from" God within us.
Of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, who were the first within us to have fallen from the Grace of God within us, and as a result were sent by God within us to this earth world within us, over 200 million years ago within us, to come to the point in their journey that they realized without the slightest doubt that they "Truly Needed God" within us, and having realized this "Truth of our life" within us, to then join in partnership with God within us to repent of their sin, to recover from their fall from the Grace of God within us, and to remove their "separation from" God within us.
And in this way, Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, joined in partnership with God within us, to come to an understanding of their sin, to understand their fall from the Grace of God within us, and through that understanding, to return to God within us, but this time with an understanding of their fall, so They (peace be upon Them) will never fall again, and now so must "we", so must each of us living within us, so must each of us living in our age in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, so must "we" do this with our life within us, with the "Gift of life" within us given to each of us by God within us, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
As it was for Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, before us, doing all of this within us, before They (peace be upon Them) died to the flesh on the "outside" of Them (peace be upon Them), before They (peace be upon Them) physically died to the "outside" of Them (peace be upon Them).
May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and join in partnership with God within us, to do this now with our life, before it is too late, before it is too late to do this with our life, to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, and instead joining in partnership with God within us to completing God's Plan for each of us within us, instead of this, when we eventually do die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation from" God, we become subject to the "suffering of the grave", where "we" become the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies that now secretly rule over us, we become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, and a demon, with God's Permission, and then roam this earth world within us, until Qiyamah within us.
Until we become subject to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" then taking on 105 million rebirths within us, with "us" ending as a worm in hell within us, with only 1 level of consciousness within us, or feeling. In this way, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
2-2-2. The Significance of the Name - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) for each of us in our life
And in this way, this is the significance of the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for each of us in our life, it is the name that God gives the pure birth and life within us, when our awakened wisdom becomes "One with" our liberated soul.
It is the name that God bestows upon our pure birth and life within us, when we have truly accepted and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, the name of His Children (may God be pleased with Him), if we want it, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen
And this is our choice in our life, for our pure birth and life within us, for our soul, not God's choice, it is our choice for our life within us, to give it either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
This is our choice for our life, about what to do with our pure birth and life, which is now being crucified by our impure birth and life, so we can sin, so we can continue to live a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" and sin, so we can keep our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on our impure birth and life, which is our current life on the "outside" of us, with the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin. This is the truth of us, and of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, not what we are currently told on the "outside" of us, about "us", and about Jesus (peace be upon Him), and about the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), all of which is not true.
This is the choice for our life, about what to do with the "Gift of life" within us, that God has patiently and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, which is our original pure birth and life, which is our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, a pure birth and life which God created and gave to each of us, in His love and compassion, so through contrast we could come to understand who we "Already are", our original pure birth and life within us which is now in our ignorance crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in our ignorance we created and gave to us, in our ignorance, which in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, like weed growing in a beautiful flower garden, which if not regularly pulled out eventually destroy the flower garden.
A life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" within us, which we now see in our ignorance as our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sisters living on the "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as "us" working, and playing, and praying, and planning, and reproducing, and growing, and accomplishing, and ruling, and understanding, and getting sick, getting old, and finally dying, on the outside of us, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but all of which in truth is false, in truth is just a dream.
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter.
"All that you see is a dream. All that you do is just a thought within that dream. All that you appear as is hidden."
"Life is a feast of the world. Its Medicine is a time after a time."
"Its Medicine is a remembrance of God within us In each moment, in each time of prayer, With each thought, each word, each action, each intention, Glorifying His name in each moment, in each time of prayer. Surrendering the responsibility to God for the next moment, For the next time of prayer, which in truth is the next moment."
"Realizing that whether or not we are alive in the next moment Is His will, not ours. May His will be done."
"If we can have this faith with certitude, This faith of Iman, Of absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God within us, That in truth, There is "Nothing other than God" within us, That in truth, "Only God exists" within us, And that in truth, "God is One' within us."
"And if we can have this intention with each breath, That in truth, "God's will be done" within us, Not that our will be done on the "outside" of us."
"And if we can obtain God's qualities and actions within us, In our lifetime, Then that is the state of life, That is the state of Islam, of Christianity, of Judaism, And the state of all of the religions of the world, Both within us and on the "outside" of us, Lived by the True Believers (Mu'mins),' By those who have truly, "Surrendered to the will of God" within us. Amen."
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, the Name of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for our age, is just the first name that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, when we truly know the difference between good and evil within us, when we truly know the differences between heaven and hell within us, between good and evil within us, when the wisdom surrounding our soul within us has been awakened within us by the "Gift of God" for our age, by the life and teaching of God for our age.
By the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, awakened both within us and on the "outside" of us, when the state of the Qutbiyyat of God within us, which is the wisdom beyond intellect within us, our 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom within us which teaches, analyzes, and controls within us, has been awakened through the grace of God within us. Amen.
That is, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
And the second name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul has liberated and become "One with" our soul within us, and gone in search of the light of our wisdom, which in the Islamic tradition is called the Nur, in this way, when our awakened wisdom has liberated our pure birth and life within us from our impure birth and life within us, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin, that is, to continue living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And the third name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when the awakened wisdom within us joined as "One with" the liberated soul within us, finds and becomes "One with" the light of our wisdom within us, or the Nur within us, allowing True Prayer to occur within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", within us.
2-2-3. Quotation From "The Kalimah Song"
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us in our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,
--- Beginning of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
"Only He may worship Him. No one else can do this. We cannot pray with the body."
"It is the life and wisdom united with each other, In a state of propriety mingled with the Nur, And in the concentration of that Light, That One must worship."
"The One has to worship the One who Is. That state of worship with become Him, And that will be understood as that."
"It is this state that is deathless, For which there is no rebirth."
"In this state, The Word and the Worship will become Him, And the Continuous Light And the Wisdom and the Nur will become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahmat In this world and in the next."
"Other than this, There is no other way to become the Ruler Over here and over there." Amen.
--- End of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
[Note: This is a quotation from the beautiful "Kalimah Song", which was sung to us by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on April 26, 1972. In addition, on the same day His Holiness gave us two beautiful wisdom discourses, "How To Merge With The Guru", and "How To Reach and Merge With God", all given on the day that His Holiness told us, at that time, was the "One Good Day In A 100 Years". Please click on the following to read an on-line copy of this material. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
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And the fourth name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which is the name of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who in truth is the "Path of God" within us for our age, is the "Gift of God" for our age, is the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, is the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, if we like, and now on the "outside" of us, is the name of His Children (may God be pleased with Us), if we like, which is the true name of each of us living in the world today, that is, if we want it, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
2-2-4. Such Is The "Truth Of Us" & The "Truth Of God" - Within Us, if we like, if we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God for this age, if we like, and then join in partnership with God within us to make it so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, with the Trunk of Iman, or "Perfected Faith" in God within us. And with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, which reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet of God" within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age. And if we like, tells us what we need to hear about who we "Already are" for each age, preparing us for our age, when we must make our choice, before it is all over, before the "outside" of us ends for all of us, and we all go onto the hereafter, spending eternity either as "One with" God within us, or as "separate from" God within us, depending on the "crop we grew", the "house we built", while living on the "outside" of us. In this way, the Choice is Ours, not God's
Such is the "truth of us" and the "truth of God" within us, if we like, if we will only accept this truth, as our truth, and then join in partnership with God within us, to make this truth so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, and all of its branches, which are the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us.
And through Them (peace be upon Them), to reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an within us, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet" of God within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age, telling us what will help us live properly in each age, that is, before this age, for in our age, God is now tell us, as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, God is now telling us, to invite God within us to return to God within us, that is, to join in partnership with God within us to allow our soul to again become with God within us, before we die to the flesh, and if we do, if we will let God return to God within us, then in the end, "We will be within it", as the Witness. Amen.
The inner "Holy Tablet of God" within each of us, which in truth is the source of all of the religious scriptures in the world on the "outside" of us, that "speaks to our faith" in God in each age, but that in our ignorance we now worship, in one why or another, on the "outside" of us, but which in truth are all one within us, including all of the religious scriptures of the four main religions in the world, of Hinduism, Fire Worship or Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judaism).
With all of them in truth, the religious scriptures on the "outside" of us, like the Hindu Vedas, the Zoroastrian Avesta, the Christian and Jewish New and Old Testaments of the Holy Bible, and the Holy Qur'an, preparing us for this age, if we like, when each of us now have to choose, between God or "us", between God as the "true inside" of us, and "us' as the "false inside" of us, and the illusory reflection of the "false inside" of us, which is the "outside" of us that we now see in our ignorance, which is our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we now see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
But which in truth is within us, as the real but "false inside" of us, as the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow and come to maturity within us, as the 9 openings of our elemental body, as we continued to live in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, all the while with the "false inside" of us ruling over us, with "God's Permission" within us, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, if we like, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us", of "us" as "separate from" Him, as "separate from" God within us.
To "Cure Himself" of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, all of which is only leading us to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, if before we die to the flesh, we do not join in partnership with God within us, to become wise, to learn how to "Hang out with God" within us, to learn how to establish the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us.
In the same way that the apple seed, having become aware of itself, of the truth of itself, that is, that it is an apple seed, cures itself of its current self, living in the earth as "separate from" the earth, and from what is hidden within itself, that is, cures itself of being buried within the earth, by realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the "truth of itself, that it an apple seed, that it is the seed of something else, just waiting to germinate and reveal what is hidden within it, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for what it is the seed of, that is, for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, having realized, understood, accepted, and joined with this truth of itself.
And in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, and in this way, the apple seed surrenders to the earth that surrounds it, and the earth then realizing that the apple seed is now aware of itself, and of what it hidden within it, then surrenders to the apple seed buried within it, both having realized, understood, accepted, and joined as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within the apple seed buried within the earth.
In this way, allowing the apple seed to then germinate, and reveal what God hid within it, which is the apple tree, and then its fruit, and destroy the apple seed buried within the earth, in the process, as the truth also emerges from within each of us, from within us buried as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the "Earth of God' within us, giving us also the opportunity to reveal what God has hidden within man, which is God within us, and True Man within God within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, the "Story of Them" within us, which in truth we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the "Earth of God' within us, with the Creation of God within us, to tell.
That is the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of what God has hidden within that truth of us, which is True Man within God within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which is the Story of that "Oneness" within us, naturally emerges from within us, like it does within the apple seed, when we are ready to both hear it and either accept or reject it.
And now, in our age, and at this point in our age, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we are all ready to both hear it and to either accept or reject it, that is, to germinate to the truth of us, and to the truth of God within us, or not, if we like, for in truth the Choice is ours, not God's.
Such is the true point of our life in this age, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, in partnership with God within us, to "Become God" within us, to become "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, so God can "Become True Man" within us, so God can become "True Man happening' within us, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to allow this to truly start to happen within us, before we die to the flesh. For then, "God will do "Everything Else", to make our life truly successful in our lifetime, that is, for the wisdom within us to reason over the fate within us, for the qualities of our true inner selves to become victorious over the qualities of our false inner and illusory outer selves. Amen.
Not to continue living on the "outside" of us, trying to continue to act as if God within us, and "us" on the "outside" of us, are separate, not working for wages on the "outside" of us in order to get into heaven, until we die to the flesh, and then go to some illusory heaven either within us or on the "outside" of us, still as "separate from" God within us, still as "separate from" each other, and still as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is false, is not true.
And not to continue worshipping the religious scriptures as God, that is, not to continue worshipping what man has collected from the "Word of God" for each age, that came to us, over and over again, for the last 200 million years, through the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God", as the "Word of God", the "Word of God" that was then passed down verbally from man to man throughout the age, and that man then finally, over the last few years, wrote down as books of paper, and published on the "outside'" of us, as the "only book" of God, although there are many of them, or to reject all of them, all of these "books" of God, as divine, and instead worship "us" and the "outside" of us, as divine, as God, which is what we are all doing, in one way or another, in our age, if we think about it with a little wisdom.
But rather than this, to use them, to use both the religious scriptures, and "us', and the "outside" of us, as the finger of God pointing to the truth within us, to the truth of us within us, as the Witness, and to the truth of God within us, which is what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, if we only have the heart to see it.
But rather than this, to realize the truth of us for our age, that we are all now ready to both hear and to accept, if we like, that in truth "we" are the "Seed of God' buried within the "Earth of God" within us, and as such "we" are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, just waiting to germinate and reveal what is hidden within it, which is the "Tree of God", and that in truth, in our age, God within us is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the "Earth of God" within us, also, just waiting to bloom and reveal what is hidden within it, which is the sweet taste within the "Fruit of God" within us, and again the "Seed of God", but this time a 1000 fold.
And as such is "we" are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God within us is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such, in truth "We are One", God within us, True Man within God within us, "us", and the Creation of God within us, the "Earth of God' within us, are One", as such "We Are The One", we are the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, we are the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.
And if "we" join with Them within us, as "One with" Them within us, to germinate the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, to reveal the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, us, and to bring to maturity the "Fruits of God" on the "Tree of God" within us, then our life will become successful in our lifetime.
That is, if we join in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, and give up all of our "working for wages to get into some illusory heaven", after we die to the flesh, in order to tell and complete this Story within us, in order to tell and bring to completion this Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, our life will become successful in our lifetime.
That is, if "we" join in partnership with God within us, so God within us can could tell and complete this Story within us, then in the end, "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the Witness of this story. Amen.
And this is our choice, to choose either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from God within us, the only true choice in our life, that is, the real and true choice of our life, not who we marry, or how many children we have, or who is the President of our country, or what job we have, or our wealth, or our legacy, for all of that is our karma, our fate, our destiny, all of that is our "drama" on the "outside" of us, a "drama" that must be transcended before we die to the flesh, a "drama" that we can only win, if we stop playing it.
And a "drama" that has absolutely nothing to do with God within us, or with what God is doing within us, except as what we must get God within us to discard, to discard again, as He did before, in order to become "God within us", to discard again, but this time within us, in order for God to again "Become God", but this time within us, and in this way, to reveal what God is doing within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
In this way, all of our "busy work" on the "outside" of us is not our choice, is not the true choice of our life, that God makes available to us, while living on the "outside" of us, for at best it is an "outside" distraction from the "true choice" within us, and if we don't join in partnership with God within us, to make the correct choice within us, which is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, in order to reveal our true heritage, our true birthright, the true destiny of our soul within us, if we don't use our life to move in this direction, at least to start to truly move in this direction, before we die to the flesh, that is, to let out soul complete its journey back into God within us, then all of our "outside' accomplishments, after we do finally die to the flesh, become but the "suffering of our grave" within us, and the consequence of Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, which is 105 million rebirths within us, with us ending as a worm in hell within us with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling.
That is, if we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", living a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" with our dearest loving brothers and sisters, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but in truth is within us, as the world of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, as we lived in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, lives of darkness and evil that now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with "God's Permission", until we "See God and Steady God" within us, if we like, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" as "separate from" God within us, by closing down the world of hell within us, the world of jinns within us, the world of fairies within us, re-opening the world of souls within us, and then opening the kingdom of God within us, if we like. In this way, the Choice is ours, not God's.
Unless we die not having made a choice, for then our choice, or rather the choice that God must then make for us, after we die to the flesh, is made according to the "Justice of God" within us, that is, if we have not joined in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to make that choice with Him, in order to learn how to let our soul complete its journey back to God within us.
And the Justice of God within us is that,
"The Justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive."
So whatever we have told God, over and over again, that we want for eternity, that we have told God, not so much by what we have said that we want for eternity, but rather by what we have shown God that we want for eternity, that is, by the way that we have lived our life on the "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh, and then after we die to the flesh, this is what we will then get for eternity, this is what God must give us for eternity, according to the Justice of God within us, and this is the truth.
Realizing that in truth, we all originally came from God within us, as "One with" God within us, and until we die to the flesh, we are never really "separate from" God within us, even if we are currently acting or living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, and realizing that in truth, hell is simply the realization that we have "separated ourselves" from God within us, which occurs after we die to the flesh, which is where we must go according to the Justice of God within us, if we die in current state.
That is, if we die in our current state of "separation from" God within us, for then, when we die in that state, God must truly "separate us" from Him within us, for eternity, and in truth we did it to ourselves in our ignorance, in our repeated refusal to accept the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, while living on the "outside" of us, even after God revealed this truth to us, over and over again, up to the very end, with "us" in this way, refusing up to the end to let our soul return to God within us, keeping our original pure birth and life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the cross of our elemental body, on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, crucified with the 5 nails of "our desire" to continue living on the "outside" of us, so we can sin, until we die to the flesh.
In this way, what is God to do with us, after we die to the flesh in this state, but in the end, give us what we want, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is hell within us, not any form or shape of heaven, either within us or on the "outside" of us, which in truth is hell within us, which is where we go within us after we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", which we first experience within us as the "suffering of the grave" within us, where we become the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, that we gave birth to, feed, and raised to maturity within us, as we lived a life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, with "us" then, after we die to the flesh, roaming the earth world within us as these 5 ruhanies, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment).
Which we next experience within us as Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with us taking on as part of the Judgment of God within us, 105 million re-births within us, with "us" ending up within us as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling, in this way, with us taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us. Amen.
Such is what God will then give to us for eternity, if we die in our current state of living on the "outside" of us, that is, living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, at least until we die to the flesh in our current state, and after God then gives us what we what, which is then an eternal life as "separate from" God, which in truth is hell, no matter what we in our ignorance may call it, but it is most certainly, and never heaven, either within us or on the "outside" of us, but rather it is real eternal "separate from" God within us, it is hell, within us, it is an eternal life of "separation from" God within us.
May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, if we are even a little bit wise, before it is too late, before we do die to the flesh, for then, after we die to the flesh, it is all over, and all that we do is get what we have asked for, by the way that we have lived our temporary, illusory life, on the "outside" of us, by the way that we have chosen, either explicitly by joining in partnership with God within us, or implicitly by the way we are currently living our life on the "outside" of us.
That is, either explicitly by "us" joining in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God' within us, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, and in this way, awakening the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, so our wisdom can then do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is "us" and the "outside" of us, which is our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, of "selfishness", on the "outside" of us, with us continuing to live as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from' the Creation of God within us, or implicitly by us trying to continue living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all the while "working for wages to get into heaven", until we die to the flesh.
And in this way, after we die to the flesh, with "us" than harvesting the crop that we have sown, and moving into the house that we have built, while living on the "outside" of us.
In this way, before we die to the flesh, we must make a conscious choice, and not leave it up to God after we die to the flesh, according to the Justice of God within us, for it we do we will be very disappointed, for in this case nothing will turn out as we have been mistakenly told, and hell will become our fate for sure.
Instead, we must choose now, we must choose between God and what God has discarded, which in truth is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we must choose between God within us, and "us" on the "outside" of us, for this is the only real choice, the only true choice, in our life, for everything else is just "drama", the "drama" of "I and you", the "drama" of "mine and yours", and does not have anything to do with where we will end up, after we die to the flesh, has nothing to do with the real and true choice that we came from God within us to make, before we die to t he flesh, the real and true choice that no one is telling us about, on the "outside" of us, until now, because only now are we ready to both hear it and to decide to either accept or reject it, so listen wisely to these "Words of God's Grace" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, and choose correctly, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, choose correctly.
And in this way, in truth this is the real and true choice that each of us have to make in our age, in order for our life to become successful in our lifetime, that is, in order for our wisdom to reason over our fate, in order for the qualities of our inner selves, which in truth is the qualities of God within us, to become victorious over the qualities of our outer selves, which in truth are the incomplete qualities of the Creation of God within us.
And our choice must start with the choice for "us" to join in partnership with God within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, which is the choice between the right and wrong of our life, which is the choice between the good and bad of our life, and which is the choice between the truth and falsehood of our life, the choice which in truth defines "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" in our life. And the choice is ours, not God's.
The choice between either continuing to join in partnership with the products of our ignorance, that is, with the illusory "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, and then go to hell within us, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, all the while in our ignorance nourishing the "false inside" of us, which after we die to the flesh becomes the "suffering of the grave" within us, and then Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment" within us.
And in this way, in our age, in our ignorance, on the "outside" of us, coming to believe in our ignorance that "we are God", or at least capable of doing what God does, that is, that we are capable of doing anything that we want on the "outside" of us, like controlling, predicting, and nourishing life and the world around us.
All of which is false, is not true, both now and after we die to the flesh, and all of which we will immediately realize as false and not true after we die to the flesh, when it is too late to do anything about, because after we die to the flesh, it is all over, and all that is left is to harvest what we have sown, and move into what we have built, not to sow something else, or build something else, for after we die to the flesh, the sewing and building time is permanently over.
And after we die to the flesh, we will meet the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, and if we have grown the right crop, which is the "Stuff of God' within God within us, and if we have built the right house within us, which is a "House of Light" within us, which is the "Palace of the soul" within us, which is the "House of wisdom" within us, the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, then we will be sent to God within us, to allow our soul to continue its journey back to God within us.
But if we have not grown the right crop, which is the "Stuff of God" within us, and instead if we have grown the wrong crop within us, which is the essence of everything that we now see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, and if we have not built the right house within us, which is a "House of Light" within us, and instead we have built the wrong house within us, which is the house of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, then we will get to meet the 5 elemental spirits within us, as the "suffering of the grave" within us.
That is, if we die to the flesh in our current state, then we get to meet and become the 5 ruhanies within us, living as a demons, a jinn, a fairies, and a ghosts within us, roaming the earth world within us until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us' becoming the 5 ruhanies within us, becoming that which we have failed to join with God within us, before we died to the flesh, to transform into a good state within us, before we die to the flesh, if they like, or for them to be discarded from within us, by God within us, if they don't like.
That is, if they like, if they accept the truth hidden within them, which is God within them, within us in partnership with God within us, transforming the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us into the state of the 5 Angels of God (peace be upon Them) within us, which are the Angels Gabriel (the leader of the Angels), Michael (the Angel associated with water), Israfil (the Angel associated with air), Isra'il (the Angel associated with fire), and Rukiel (the Angel associated with ether or the sky and colors) (peace be upon Them) within us. Such is the fate facing each of us within us, if we die in our current state.
And then after we die to the flesh, in our current state, we get to meet the Creation of God within us, as part of Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, the Creation of God that we have failed to join with God within us, before we died to the flesh, to transform into a state of completion within us, if they like, or for them to be discarded from within us, by God within us, if they don't like, but instead, if we die to the flesh, in our current state, then after we die to the flesh, with us taking on 105 million rebirths within us, as part of their judgment within us, after we die to the flesh, with "us" ending as a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom or consciousness within us, or feeling, in this way, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us. Such is the fate facing each of us within us, if we die in our current state.
But there is another choice, still available to us within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", in our current state of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
There is still another choice within us, of joining in partnership with God within us, to "Become God" within us, to become "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, or at least start this "Happening" within us, before we die to the flesh, for then, in truth, God will do "Everything Else", to make our life truly successful in our lifetime. This is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen.
And the Choice is ours, not God's. Amen. Something to think about, Yes?
2-2-5. The "Path of God" Within Us - which is what we must join with God within us , to become "One with" within us, if we are to return to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which then joined as "One with" us within God within us, they can then walk back to God within us, if they like, if they are ever to return to God within them within us. Amen
And this way, these four names that God will give to the inside of us, if we like, is the "Path of God" within us, which we must join in partnership with God within us to open, and then to become "One with", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, that is, if we are ever to return to God within us, and if the Creation of God within us are ever to return to God within us within them, the four names of the inside of us, of the "Path of God" within each of us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the four steps of spiritual ascendance: or Shari'at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Ma'rifat.
Shari-at: The realization of good and evil and conducting of one's life Tariqat: The unswerving and complete acceptance of the good, and the carrying out of every action accordingly. Haqiqat: The realization of Divinity and the beginning of communication with God. Ma'rifat: The state of merging with God.
2-2-6. As God Did It Before, So God Must Now Do It Again - but this time, within us, for this is the truth of our life, and the truth of God within our life, and in this way, we are all One, that is, "us", and God within us, and what God is doing within us, are all one, if we like, and what God is doing within us, if we will only let Him, if we will only join as "One with" Him within us, is to do it again, is to do what He did before again, that is, to become God again, but this time within us, that is, for God within us to again reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, if we like, like God within us experienced before us, within Himself before us, which is to join in partnership with God within Him, to reveal God to God within Him, God will most certainly do again within us, if we will only join Him, as He joined God within Him before, and if we do, if we like, then God will most certainly grant us the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge, or order to walk back to Him within us, using this "Path of God" within us, that God has hidden within us, to walk back to Him.
First as the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul, as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and then as our awakened wisdom joined as "One with" our liberated soul, as Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), or as Jesus (peace be upon Him) liberated from His cross in search of the light of our wisdom, in search of the Nur Muhammad within us, and then as Jesus (peace be upon Him) joined as "One with" the Nur Muhammad within us, as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), becoming the "Light of God", the Light of Allahu within us, the light of the 99 wilayats or Powers of God within us, which rule over everything in both this and the next world within us, and finally as Perfected Man, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Insan Kamil, finally as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) .
In this way, with "us" first walking the "Path of God" within us as "One with" the Creation of God within Him within us, as Iman, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the 6th level of wisdom within us, as the "Palace of the soul", as the "House of wisdom", as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), as the "Shepherd and the Tree" within us.
And then as the liberated soul join as "One with" the awakened wisdom, revealing the Light of man within God within us, as Iman-Islam or the perfectly pure heart within us, then as True Prayer within us, as the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, as the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) on Mi'raj within us, which in the Islamic tradition is the "Night of Power" within us, the journey where the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) removed the final veil within us that separates a True Man from God within us, allowing Him to talk directly to God within us, seeing Himself as a 16 year old youth with a downy mustache within the 'Mirror of the Heart', and finally as the "Guru of God" for all lights on earth, having become the Straight Path, the Siratal Mustaqueem, having become the "Path of God" within us, having become the "worship of the form of the Nur Muhammad" within us, having become the 'Path of God" for all of the Creation of God within us, that is, within Him within us. Amen.
And in this way, using the "Gift of God" for our age, using the life and teaching of God for our age, to walk back to God within us, that is, using the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, to walk back to God within us, and now on the "outside" of us, using the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we truly want it, in order to walk back to God within us, that is, using God within us to walk back to God within us. Amen.
And may we all join in partnership with God within us to stop trying to use everything else, that is, stop trying to use everything other than God within us, to walk back to God within us, and in this way, may we all stop trying to use everything but God within us to return to God within us, that is, may we all stop trying in our ignorance to use the current "us", to return to God within us, that is, stop trying in our ignorance to use the "us" of "separation and differences", and the "outside" of us, to return to God within us.
In this way, may we all stop trying to use what God has discard within us, which is what God has discarded within Himself, in order to return to God within Himself, which is everything that God discarded within Himself in order to become God within us, which is what each of us must now do, in partnership with God within us, in order to discard that which is now the current "us" within us, which we see in our ignorance as the "outside" of us, which we now see in our ignorance as "us" and the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us.
May we all join in partnership with God within us, in order for "us", like God within us did before us, to return to "Oneness" with God within us, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again, as it has never left God within us, and always doing it, as God within us learned to do it before us, that is, always doing each step along the "Path of God" within us, including finding and opening and becoming the "Path of God" within us, in partnership with God within us. Amen.
2-3-0. Who is Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - the Holy Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and what is His significance for each of us in our age? 2-3-1. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of us
In 1886 His Holiness, Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), appeared in Ceylon, a small island off the south east coast of India, which is now called Sri Lanka, and started a 100 year journey that would bring Him to America in 1971, where in 1975 He changed His name to Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), to better reflect the changing state of His Children, a journey on the "outside" of us that would end on December 8th, 1986, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, where His Holiness is now buried under a Mazzar or Shrine, erected by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), in a small farming community, near the town of Coatesville, about an hours ride outside of the city of Philadelphia, where all are welcome.
To better reflect the changing state of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), who in truth are all of us living in the world today, if we want it, that is, if the true intention for our life within us is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
That is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our original pure birth and life within us, is to be liberated from our current impure birth and life, both within us and on the "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh, that is, to liberate and move forward on the "Path of God" within us, the "Light of man" within God within us, which originally is our soul within us, gradually becoming if we will let it, the True Prayer of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and finally within us, is seen as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in akhirah or in the next world or the hereafter within us.
If the true intention for our life within us, for our original pure birth and life within us, which originally is our soul within us, and the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, and God within our wisdom within us, which in truth is initially seen as Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, who is now crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, if the true intention for our life within us that Jesus (peace be upon Him) be removed from His cross within us, before we die to the flesh, that He be removed from His cross within us by our wisdom, by our 6th level of wisdom, by the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, by the Qutbiyyat of God within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, by "us" joining as "One with" our wisdom within us, against "us" on the "outside" of us, against the "Enemy of our soul" both within us and on the "outside" of us, and in this way, allowing our wisdom, joined as "One with" us within us, to end "us" on the "outside" of us, by pulling our the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin.
In this way, with "us" within us joining in partnership with God within us, so that Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, which in truth is the "Light of man" within God within us, can be removed from His cross within us, by the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul within us, by our 6th level of wisdom within us, by the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, by the Qutbiyyat of God within us, in this way, "destroying us" as "separate from" God within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and "revealing God" within us.
In this way, joining in partnership with God within us to "separate from us" all that is "separating us from God" within us, allowing us to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die in our current state of "separation and differences", before we die in our current life both within us and on the "outside" of us, which is an impure birth and life that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, to grow over our original pure birth and life within us, and that we only see now in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is really within us, and who now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then, "Cure Himself of us", of us as "separate from" God, without destroying our soul, and the wisdom surrounding our soul, who have now been liberated from what God then discards from Himself, as He did before, to become God within us, that God again discards from Himself, but this time from within us. Amen.
In this way, such is our current state, our current state and life on the "outside' of us, which in truth are within us, are the impure lives of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, and who now in maturity have crucified our soul within us, have crucified our original pure birth and life within us, have crucified Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, with the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us, so we can sin, so we can continue to live a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
In this way, with each of us in our ignorance now living, that is, with each of us currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true. Amen.
And in this way, in 1975 His Holiness, Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) changed His name to Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), to better reflect the changing state of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which if we like, if our true intention for our life is correct, is now all of us living in the world today, if we want it.
2-3-2. The State of "His Children" - as the Light of the Din, as the Light of "Original Power" of God within us
His Holiness describes His Children in the following way:
First, His Holiness teaches us that His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) have already transcended the 4 religions, and in truth are at the station of the Din of God within us, are of the "Original Pure Light" of the "Truth of God" within us, which is our source, from which we have all emerged, which is the "Original Power of God" within us which emerged out of God within us, in the time before the "Beginningless Beginning" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Anathi within us, as the time of darkness or ignorance within us, before Creation within us, when God in "ignorance of Himself" within us asks the question of this Din of God within us, of this "Original Power of God" within us, of the Affulgence of God within us, the question asked by God of God within us, the question, "Who am I?".
And His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are of the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, which if we like, is capable of restoring this "Pure Light of Truth" within us, is capable of making it again emerge out of God within us, as the Din of God within us, as the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, which is the true energizer of our life within us, returning it to its source within us, by making it, if it likes, again become the source, for everything within us, as an apple seed returns to its source, which is the apple, by first becoming the apple tree, and then bearing fruit.
That is, if we like, if we will only let it, if we will only join as "One with" it within us to do this "Diving work" within us, to do this work first against us, against the current us, against the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, in this way, liberating our soul from our impure birth and life which is currently crucifying our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, from His cross, from our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen.
And in this way, His Children (may God be pleased with Us) are of the Qutbiyyat of God within us, which is our 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom beyond intellect within us, who is responsible for all of the Creation of God within us, who teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, and if they like, moving them also forward along the "Path of God" within us, also back to the Din within us, for in truth,
"There is nothing other than God" within us, "Only God exists" within us, "God is One" within us. Amen.
All of which is referred to in the Christian tradition as the Holy Trinity of God within us, as the "Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, is within us, just waiting to be revealed within us,
"As the Father or God of us all within us, Within our Wisdom within us. As the Sun or Light of Man within God within us, Or the Soul within us. And as the Holy Spirit Or Comforter or God Consciousness Or Wisdom of truth within us, Surrounding our Soul within us".
And all of which is referred to in the Islamic tradition as the Triple Flame of God within us, as "Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen" within us.
All of which God patiently and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, a very long time ago, even before we were born into this earth world, with the Creation of God within us, which we must come to understand within us, and become "One with" within us, in order for the "Seed of God" within us to germinate, before we die to the flesh, in order for the "Seed of God" within us, which in truth is "who we are", which is buried within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the "Earth of God" within us, which in truth is "where we are", to germinate, and in this way, and only in this way, to reveal the "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is God within us, and to then reveal the "Fruits of God" within us, within the "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is True Man within God within us, which in truth is the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, which in truth "What is happening" within us. Amen
And Second, as His Holiness teaches us about His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Tree That Fell To The West: Autobiography of a Sufi", and as a quotation in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for March of 2005,
--- Beginning of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
"When we came back to America again in 1973, in My meditation I saw my self building a Mosque here in America like the one I had started in Ceylon.
You could hear the adhan (the call to prayer) all the way to akhirah (to the next world or hereafter), from this world to the realm of God.
This was the kind of Mosque I was building (in America in My meditation), the Angels, the Messengers, and Myself all coming together to build this Mosque (in America).
(In My meditation) we constructed the Mosque and the dome, and all that remained to be done was painting the dome. Everything else was finished. Its beauty, its Light was indescribably beautiful, Light radiating everywhere. It was the most beautiful Mosque. Only the last coat of paint for the dome had to be put on. I told this to the Children who were there.
There is a Mosque in firdaus, or (eighth) heaven. The Mosque built by Me here in America is like the one in heaven. It is possible to find people in America with the kind of Iman, the kind of absolute faith, (certitude, and determination), you need to reach that firdaus (that eighth heaven).
There was just a little work left for the Mosque (in America) to be completed, and once I did that, I told the Children,
"The Mosque I could not complete in Ceylon, I have completed here in America".
--- End of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
Sources: The book, "The Tree That Fell To The West: Autobiography of a Sufi", and from the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for March, 2005.
2-3-3. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "inside" of us
"Within us" is a whole different matter, within us the "Life and Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)" becomes the "Name of God" for our age, becomes the "Name of the Place of God" within us for our age, becomes the "Name of the Place of Purity" within us for our age, which is a tiny piece of flesh within us no bigger than an atom.
A tiny piece of flesh within us that God placed within us, even before we were born, which includes God within us, and everything within God within us, which is all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like our wisdom, grace, and 'ilm or divine knowledge, and includes everything that "God is doing" within us, for our age, which is God within us revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
In this way, "Within us" is how we establish the "Presence of God" within us, for our age, by allowing our wisdom to stand up within us, so our mind and desire will sit down within us. "Within us" is how we use "God to get to God" within us, is how we get God to "Do it again" within us, that is, to "Become God again", but this time within us, that is, this time within our heart within us, this time within the "handful of earth" that God placed within us, ever before we were born, even before we came to this earth world or dunya.
The "handful of earth" within us which is Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, and with the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, from the "Grace of God" within us, is now our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
This "truth of us", and this "truth of God" within us, is something that we must realize, understand, accept, and join with, without the slightest doubt, before we die to the flesh, if we are ever to become successful in our lifetime.
For the "truth of us" within us is that we are the "Seed of God" within us, buried within the Creation of God within us, ready to germinate, if we will only let it, ready to reveal the "Tree of God" within us, and bear the "Fruits of God" within us, if we like. That is, if the true intention for our life within us, which is our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
And the "truth of God" within us, as the "Tree of God" within us, as what bears the "Fruit of God" within us, as what is hidden within us, hidden within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, the "truth of God" within us, is that God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth makes each of us, as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, makes us "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, that is, if we like, if we are willing to give up our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we current see in our collective ignorance as existing on the outside of us.
2-3-4. Quotation From The "Gospel of John": Chapter 03, Verses 1-7
That is, if we are truly willing to be "born again", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told us to do over 2000 years, we are told the following by Jesus (peace be upon Him), as recorded by the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), in the "Gospel of John", in Chapter 03, Verses 1 to 7, as follows,
-- Beginning of the Quotation From The "Gospel of John", Chapter 3 (V1-7) --
"There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with Him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto to you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus said unto Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (grace) and of the Spirit (wisdom), he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is the flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
-- End of the Quotation From The "Gospel of John", Chapter 3, Verses 1-7 --
2-3-5. Becoming Truly Successful In Our Lifetime - in partnership with God within us
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we will only become truly successful in our lifetime, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, not by trying to work for wages to get into some illusory heaven, after we die to the flesh, that is, if we are truly willing to "die before death", as the Sufis (peace be upon Them) have been telling us to do, in the Islamic tradition, for the last 1400 years, that is, with each of us, joined in partnership with God within us, freely and willingly doing this "being born again", and this "dying before dying", freely and willingly giving up the false "us" living on the illusory "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh.
Giving us our current life of ignorance on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is false, is not true, or at least, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, to truly start to give it all up, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, so after we die to the flesh, God within us can then "Do Everything Else", everything else necessary for our life to truly become successful in our lifetime. Amen.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
End of "Page 1 of 2" of Spiritual Letter 72 - Outline & Summary Version - .......................................
The On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (Recommended way to Navigate around Library)
Title: "God Saved You, Now You Must Try To Save God" Date Written and Posted: May, June, July, August, September, & October, 2005 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. Tom Brokaw, Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life Page 1 of 2
Go To: Main Menu - for "Outline & Summary Version" of Spiritual Letter 72 Go To: E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of most Topics) Go To: "E-mail Alert" - for Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of 2 Topics)
============================================================= Short Overview - of Spiritual Letter 72
The first purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you is to share with both of you something amazing that has happened within the life of this child, as the two of you shared with us the other day on NBC Dateline, shared with us about the amazing thing that had happened in the life of Aron Ralston, that is, about his being saved by God from his certain death, saved by God from his fate, because of the love and devotion to God of his mother, but for what purpose. So he can climb more mountains? So it would seem.
And the second purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, is to propose a different outcome to the life of both of you, because in truth both of you have been saved, saved by God from your fate, one dying according to his fate as a "mountain man" and the other dying according to his fate as an "anchor man", if God had not intervened, in both of your lives, giving both of you another chance, another shot at truly becoming successful in your lifetime. Something to certainly think about. Yes? ============================================================= Page 1 of 2
Main Menu: - of "Outline & Summary Version"
Go To: E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 (has latest version of most Topics) Go To: Expanded Topics - for some Topics (e.g. Topic 01) of Spiritual Letter 72 ============================================================= ============================================================= Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 72
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is "Page 1 of 2" of a beautiful Spiritual Letter, of "Spiritual Letter 72", to Mr. Tom Brokaw, previous Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life.
And to each of you, the Children of God for our age, if you like, that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, have instructed this child to write, and to send to each of you, living at the feet of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) within us, and of God within Him, and now living on the "outside" of us, at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) for our age, which is known by all of the wise through the ages as the "Kali Yuga".
At the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we only want it, that is, if that be the true intention of our life, that is, if the true intention of our life is to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen .
In the age known as the "Kali Yuga", the "Age of Destruction", where either "we" as the "outside" of us are destroyed, or we join in partnership with God within us in order to "See God and Steady Him" within us, allowing God within us to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from God within us, as if we are "separate from' each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from' the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
That is, either we go the way of everything that in our ignorance has grown within us, which in our ignorance we currently see only as our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside", or we join in partnership with God within us to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, in this way, escaping from both the "Suffering of the grave" within us, and from Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, after we die to the flesh.
For in truth what we have currently grown within us in our ignorance, which are like weeds in a beautiful flower garden, and which we are currently experiencing in our ignorance as the "outside" of us, as our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, is what after we die to the flesh, die in our current state of "separation from" God within us, becomes both the "Suffering of the Grave" within us, and Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, after we die to the flesh, that is, if we have failed to join in partnership with God within us, in order to "See God" within us, and "Steady Him" within us.
And the choice is ours, not God's, because God has already made His choice, and He chose "Oneness with" us, and that is why we now exist on the "outside" of us, so through contrast we can choose, because "understanding only occurs through contrast", so we can either choose "us" on the "outside" of us or choose God within us, so we can either choose "us" as "separate from" God within us for eternity, or choose "us" as "One with" God for eternity, and in this way, the choice is ours, not God's, is our choice, not God's choice.
That is, either we choose an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
In this way, the choice is ours, before we die to the flesh, but if we physically die to the "outside" of us, to the flesh, and have not made a choice, then God will choose for us, based on what we have told God that we want for eternity, according to the "Justice of God" within us, according to what we have said to God within us, and what we have shown to God within us, about what we want for eternity, while living on the "outside" us, by what we have told God by our actions, not just by our words, that we truly want for eternity.
For as our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter, in "Spiritual Letter 72", and in this Library, in the "On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library" (www.Bawa.homestead. com), is that,
"The Justice of God, is that whatever we intend is what we will receive".
For more on this "Wisdom Point", please click HERE, or at the "top of the page", or on the following: Expanded Introduction - to "Spiritual Letter 72". Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen.
May all the peace, beneficence, and blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). ============================================================== Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 72 "Silent Outline" - with no short summary of each Topic (for Page 01 and 02)
Page 01: - this Page, that is, the Page you are currently reading
of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) like, if we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God 2-0. Background Information - continued 2-2. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued Page 02: - click HERE, to go to Page 02 (end of "Text", but "Outline" continues)
2-0. Background Information - continued 2-3. Who is M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued 2-3-5. Such Is Our Current State - of "separation from" God within us, that is only leading us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us 2-3-6. Quotations From The "Gospel of John": Chapter 01 & 05 3-0. Establishing The "Presence of God" - Within Us 4-0. A Message From God Within Us All - to the Children of God for our age 5-0. Our Story - whether we like it or not, and even whether we want it or not 5-1. Quotation From "Gospel of John": - Chapter 01, Verses 1 -15 6-0. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - it becomes aware of "who it is" 7-0. Closing Comments - in truth we are "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, if we like, if the true intention for our life within us is for this to happen within us, before we die to the flesh, nothing less and nothing more. Amen ============================================================= "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic (for Page 01 and 02)
Page 01: - this Page, that is, the Page you are currently reading
name for each of us in our age? 2-0-0. Background Information - continued 2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God for this age, if we like, and then join in partnership with God within us to make it so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, with the Trunk of Iman, or "Perfected Faith" in God within us. And with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, which reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet of God" within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age. And if we like, tells us what we need to hear about who we "Already are" for each age, preparing us for our age, when we must make our choice, before it is all over, before the "outside" of us ends for all of us, and we all go onto the hereafter, spending eternity either as "One with" God within us, or as "separate from" God within us, depending on the "crop we grew", the "house we built", while living on the "outside" of us. In this way, the Choice is Ours, not God's 2-0-0. Background Information - continued 2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - continued 2-2-5. The "Path of God" Within Us - as the "Gift of God" within us, which is what we must join with God within us , to become "One with" within us, if we are to return to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which then joined as "One with" us within God within us, they can then walk back to God within us, if they like, if they are ever to return to God within them within us. Amen 2-2-6. As God Did It Before, So God Must Now Do It Again - but this time, within us, for this is the truth of our life, and the truth of God within our life, and in this way, we are all One, that is, "us", and God within us, and what God is doing within us, are all one, if we like, and what God is doing within us, if we will only let Him, if we will only join as "One with" Him within us, is to do it again, is to do what He did before again, that is, to become God again, but this time within us, that is, for God within us to again reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen. 2-0-0. Background Information - continued
Page 02: - click HERE, to go to Page 02 (end of "Text", but "Outline" continues)
2-3-5. Such Is Our Current State - of "separation from" God within us, that is only leading us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, which in truth is the only hell there is, and it is within us, a hell that we are personally building within us, with every thought, look, and deed on the "outside" of us, with "us" continuing to try and live on the "outside" of us as if "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, for God is closer to us than our own breath. And this is the truth us, and of God within us, and of our current state. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen 2-3-6. Quotations From The "Gospel of John": - Chapters 01 & 05 3-0-0. Establishing The "Presence of God" - Within Us, before we "say or do" anything, by saying the "Name of God" for our age, by saying the "Name of our Wisdom" for our age. In this way, calling our wisdom to come from the "Place of God" within us, to come from the "Place of Purity" within us, for our age, which is where God currently lives within us, and come into the "Place of impurity" within us, into the "Place of us", of "us" as "separate from" God within us, which is where we currently live within us, which is our mind and desire within us. And in this way, allowing our Wisdom to stand up within us, causing our mind and desire to sit down within us, perhaps for the very first time within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us. In this way establishing the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything, before we sin, on the "outside" of us, because in truth God lives within our wisdom within us, and now so must we, as the "Witness" of what God is doing within us, if we are truly "born again", if we truly "die before death", before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen 4-0. A Message From God Within Us All - to our brother Aron, and to all of us living in this age, if we like 5-0. Our Story - which is "us" coming to the First of God's School, the "School of Contrast", to understand what "separates us" from God, and having learned our lessons, having passed our exams, having graduated from this First of God's Schools, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, we must then go off to the Next of God's Schools, the "School of Light", where God will personally and every so lovingly teach us about God within us, and then about True Man within God within us. Amen 5-1. Quotation From "Gospel of John" - Chapter 01, Verses 1 -15 6-0. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - because the apple seed becomes aware that it is an apple seed, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and because the earth then become aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree to grow, and then out of this mutual awareness, the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and the apple seed surrenders to the earth, and the apple seed germinates. That is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, because the apple seed becomes aware of the truth of itself, and the truth of what is hidden within it, and then lets the "truth surrender to the truth" within it, and it will be within it, becoming the Witness of what then occurs 7-0. Closing Comments - may we learn to do this with our life, to do at least what an apple seed does, that is, to germinate and reveal what God has hidden within it, that is, for "us" in partnership with God within us, to let what has been hidden within us by God within us to be revealed by God within us, and we will be within it, and in this way, with "us" joined in partnership with God within us becoming a Witness of the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, becoming a Witness of what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and we will be within it, and doing all of this within us, before we die to the flesh, or at least truly joining in partnership with "God within us", to truly start this journey of the soul within us back into God within us, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, for then God will do everything else, and we will be within it, for this is "God's Promise", "God's Guarantee" for our age, and in this way, with "us" as "One with" God within us, returning to God within us, like the rain returning to the ocean, from which it has come, having completed its duty as rain, as "separate from" the ocean, again becoming the ocean, no longer existing as the rain, no longer existing as "separate from" the ocean. Amen ============================================================= Text of Spiritual Letter: 1-0. The Purpose - of This Spiritual Letter, and of the life of each one of us
(Note: For the "Latest Version" of Topic 1-0, please go to "E-mail Alert", or click HERE, and to read an "Expanded Version" of Topic 1-0, please click HERE)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kullahu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom Brokaw and Aron Ralston - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
The first purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you is to share with both of you something amazing that has happened within the life of this child, as the two of you shared with us the other day on NBC Dateline, shared with us about the amazing thing that had happened in the life of Aron, that is, his being saved by God from his certain death, saved by God from his fate, because of the love and devotion to God of his mother, but for what purpose. So he can climb more mountains? So it would seem.
And this is the second purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, to propose a different outcome to the life of both of you, because in truth both of you have been saved, saved by God from your fate, one dying according to their fate as a "mountain man" and the other dying as an "anchor man", if God had not intervened, in both of your lives, giving both of you another chance, another shot at truly becoming successful in your lifetime. Something to certainly think about. Yes?
In one case saving Aron from his lonely death at the bottom of a canyon, and in the other case saving Tom from his lonely death at the bottom of "fame", in this way, saving them both, but for what purpose.
And truly saving them only if they like, that is, if Aron and Tom, or either one of them, truly want to be saved from their fate, from what they in their ignorance have grown between themselves and their source, between themselves and God within them, have grown in their short temporary life on the "outside" of themselves as what now "separates them" from God within themselves, as what now "separates them" from each other on the "outside" of themselves, and as what now "separates them" from the Creation of God within us, from the "Earth of God" within us, within which God has planted the "Seed of God" within us, which in truth is just waiting for "us" to join as "One with" it, so it can germinate, and in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within us, and the "Fruits of God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, "whatever we intend is what we will receive", both now and for eternity. Such is the Justice of God. And in this way, it is always our choice, that is, how we live now till we die, and how we will live for eternity after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us. Such is our choice, not God's choice.
For in the end God will always give us our choice, God will always give us exactly what we truly intend for our life, no matter what our words may be, no matter what we may say to the world is what we want, for in truth our words and our actions are not the same, for in truth we are all hypocrites, saying one thing while doing another, holding one thing on our lips but another within our heart, and our hypocrisy is our downfall, leading us day by to hell, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
Such is the truth of our lives, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, of all of us, if we like, if we only have the eyes to see it, to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the flesh, and such is the fate of each of us living in the world today, also if we like, if we fail to become wise in our lifetime, which in truth is to die to whatever we have in our ignorance collected over the years on the "outside" of us, to whatever we have built over the years, to whatever crop we have sown, nourished, grown, and brought to maturity within us, to whatever we have picked up and accumulated in our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.
A life that now "define us", as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, a life that now "define us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, a temporary short life on the "outside" of us which now defines us incorrectly, and which then becomes, if we die in that state, of living a life dis-connected from God within us, dis-connected from the truth of us within us, which then becomes our eternal life after we die, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is always our hell, since in truth each of us is much more than that, for in truth each of us is "Of God" within us, and is not of the life and world and fate that we are all currently experiencing on the "outside" of us.
That is, a fate that continues to be our life on the "outside" of us, till we physically die to the "outside" of us, if we let it, and that then becomes our eternal life within us, after we die to the flesh, that is, if God does not intervene in our life, as He most certainly has in the life of Aron, which we all can all see by watching your program on Dateline, but more subtly, as He most certainly has intervened in the life of each of us living in the world today, because what we have truly received in our life, in the life of each one of us, is not in any way what we have truly earned.
Only through the infinite love and mercy and compassion of God within us, have we been shielded from our true rewards for our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
With God all the while watching us, and saving us, and saving us, and saving us, over and over again, from our fate, from our thoughts, from our actions and conduct, from what has grown within us in our ignorance, from what we have actually done with the beautiful gifts that God has given to us when we first came into this earth world, into this "School of Contrasts".
Into the "School of Contrasts" within us, which is the first of the many "Schools of God's" within us, which in truth is where we have now come to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, for understanding only occurs through contrast, and having learned our lessons, having passed our exams, and having graduated from this first of God's School within us, from the "School of Contrasts" within us, which we see in our ignorance as existing as "our life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, if we can do this, before we die to the flesh, then we can go to the next of God's Schools, to the "School of Light", were God personally teaches us about God within us. Amen.
But very few, if any of us are doing this true work within us, this "Heart's Work" within us, of understanding who we "Already are", for that is the true purpose of our life in the world, and instead of this, most of us, if not all of us, are so busy acting on the "Stage of Drama" that we see in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, and as a result nobody is watching the play, everyone is in the play, and there is no real learning going on, as long as we all are on the stage trying to recite our lines, trying to hit our cue, trying to make an impression.
And the only one sitting in the audience is God, everyone else is on the state, and because of that nobody is learning, and nobody will be ready to go to the next of God's Schools, nobody will learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, nobody will pass the exams, and graduate from this first of God's Schools, from this "School of Contrast" and move onto the next of God's Schools, to the "School of Light", to learn from God about God within us, allowing God within us to finish what He has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, this is the purpose of this Spiritual Letter to the both of you, and to all of the Children of God for this age, which in truth is all of us living in the world, if we like, that is, if the true intention of our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us.
May God grant us the grace of His wisdom to truly do this "Heart's Work" within us, before it is too late to do this work in our life, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, or before one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, which is also a real possibility in our age.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
1-1. Opening Comments - to Tom Brokaw
Thank you my dearest loving brother Tom Brokaw, thank you very much for your many years of honest reporting as the anchor at NBC, and for the program recently aired by you on Aron Ralston, the young man who cut off his own hand to free himself from death, which was a very beautiful story, a very inspirational story, a story if we like, if we have the heart to hear it, about how God takes care of us, no matter what, if we only reach out to Him in our hour of need, which in truth is ever moment of our life.
But being saved by God is not enough, is not the main point in this story, for there is an inner meaning to this story that both Aron and each of us must take from this experience, if his experience is to be of real value to us.
And the inner meaning is that to become truly successful in our lifetime we must try to save God within us, we must try to join in partnership with God within us to allow God to finish what He has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
Which is also the work of the apple tree, of its fruits, and of its seeds, if we only have the heart to see it, that in truth an apple tree always sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple tree, by bearing fruits, and the apple fruit always sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple fruit, by hiding an apple seed within its sweet taste, and the apple seed sometimes sets out to again reveal itself, to again reveal the apple seed, by letting itself die in the earth, die to its ego or "separation and differences", by letting itself die in partnership with the earth, in order to reveal the apple tree hidden within it.
For in truth such is the "Oneness" of the apple tree, the apple fruits, and the apple seeds, and their common purpose, to again reveal itself by becoming the seed of something else, by dying to itself, to its ego, so what is hidden within it can be revealed, and can then lead the way to it being revealed again, that is, if everything in the way always does the same thing, that is, dies to itself, to its ego, so what is hidden within it can live, for not all apple seeds germinate.
Some apple seeds fail to germinate, fail to give up their life of "separation and differences" buried within the earth, fail to give up their ego, their selfishness, and eventually rot in the earth, forever giving up their connection to the story of the apple seed becoming the apple tree, the story of the apple tree bearing fruit, and the story of the apple fruit revealing again the apple seed, a story that the apple seed came to the earth from the apple tree, to join as "one with" the earth, to tell.
And that is the reason we have written you and Aron this letter, to share the inner meaning of this story, of Aron's story and the story of each of us, which has come into the heart of this child, over and over again, after listening to your program.
The inner meaning of Aron's story and of the story of each of us, which is the story the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, just as the inner meaning of the story of the apple tree and of its fruits is the "Oneness of the apple tree and its apples" within the apple seed, for in truth they are all one, the apple tree, the apple fruits, and the apple seed, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, and in truth so are we, so is God, True Man, and each of "us", as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God, or the "Earth of God" within us..
For the inner meaning of this story, then forces us, if we do not join in partnership with God within us, to come to fully understand and apply this inner meaning to our own life, before we die to the flesh, then forces us to also go the way of the apple seeds that fail to germinate, and rot in our "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, forever breaking our connection to the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within each of us, which in truth is our birthright, is our heritage, is the destiny of our soul.
Which in truth is our birthright, is our heritage, is the destiny of our soul, and is not in any way something that we have to earn or become worthy of, any more than an apple seed has to become worthy of revealing the apple tree hidden within it, all it has to do is realize, understand, accept, and join as "one with" who it "already is", which is an apple seed buried within the earth, then the inner meaning of its life is naturally revealed, the story of the "oneness of the apple tree and the apple fruits" within the apple seed is naturally told, and naturally comes to completion, and in coming to completion again reveals the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold.
And in this way, some people, like some apple seeds, do germinate, do bite the bullet so to speak, and come to realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of themselves, before they rot in their "separation and differences" on the "outside" of them, before they die to the flesh, and in this way, some people do germinate to the truth within us, that is, die to ourselves, to our ego on the "outside" of us, to our selfishness, and in this way, reveal what we are in truth the seed of, which is God within us, and reveal what God has hidden within each of us, which is Himself and His Fruits, which is True Man, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us,
And for those people who do germinate to the truth of themselves, like for those apple seeds that do like wise, our life has truly been successful in our lifetime, and we will spend eternity as "One with" God and within us, and with True Man within God within us, but for those people who don't, then we will force God within us to give us the alternative, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth the only hell there is, which in truth is an eternal life as "separate from" who in truth we really are, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as in truth the apple seed is the apple tree and its fruits. Can we not do at least as much with our life as an apple seed.
And in this way, if we fail to understand this inner meaning to Aron's story, which in truth is the inner meaning of the story of each of us now living in the world today, then we will force God within us to give us an eternal life as "separate from" Him within us, when we do finally die to the flesh, an eternal life as "separate from" the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, because then that has become what we truly want in our life, then that is what we have told God within us that we want for eternity by the way we have lived our life on the "outside" of us.
In this way, with us then getting an eternal life as we are now currently living it on the outside of us, as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, not an eternal life as "One with" God within us, and as "One with" True Man within God within us, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again, which is the only reason we came to this earth world in the first place. And in this way, the choice is ours, not God's.
And this is the inner meaning of the story that you and Aron told us on TV, which we would very much like to now share more about with both you and with Aron, if you like, that is, after a few opening comments to Aron, and a few "Background Things", like the following, starting in the next section.
each of us in our age? Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and what is His significance for each of us in our age?
1-2. Opening Comments - to Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life
Thank you my dearest loving brother Aron Ralston for the courage and determination that you showed us recently as you told your story to Tom Brokaw. It was truly an exciting and uplifting story, a story that we have been reflecting upon since we first saw it on TV.
But there is another part to the story that you told us that you may not be fully aware of, which if understood puts what you shared with us into a whole new perspective, hopefully a "life changing" perspective, and that is what this child would like to share with both you and Tom Brokaw at this time.
To begin, lets start with a little back ground on Louie Beutler, the name my mother and father gave this child, followed by a little background on the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which is one of the names given to a "Light of God" who came into the world over 1000 years ago, in a little village called Jilani, right outside of the city of Baghdad in Iraq, of the one who came into the world at that time, forever changing the direction of Islam, returning it to its original purity which is known in the Islamic tradition as "Din al-Islam", the faith of surrender to the will of Allah, of the one known in that age as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), of the one known as:
"The giver of life back to true belief."
And as:
"The bringer of the pure light of truth."
And finally a little background on the life and teaching of the Holy Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen in 1980, of the Holy Man who is known in our age as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the life and teaching of God for our age, as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth", for our age, as the one who Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to send to us over 2000 years ago, to teach us in our age what we could not bear to hear in His age, that is, at the time Jesus (peace be upon Him) lived and taught in the world.
1-3. Quotation From The "Gospel of John" - Chapter 16, Verses 7 to 15
--- Beginning of Quotation From the "Gospel of John", Chapter 16 ---
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment: (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you.
--- End of Quotation From the "Gospel of John", Chapter 16 ---
2-0. Background Information
2-1. Who Is Louie Beutler?
My dearest loving brothers, like each of you this child has been on a journey for the last 30 years, and counting, living at the feet of a wise and holy saint, His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
So who am I? Who is Louie Beutler? A worldly answer is very easy. I have lived in America all my life, as did my parents, and I am of German and Irish ancestry. I graduated from Villanova University in 1962 with a BS Degree In Electrical Engineering.
I also graduated from Temple University in 1972 with a Masters Degree in Special Education, and again from Villanova University in 1987 with a Masters Degree in Computer Science. I was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps.
I have worked in America for 36 years as an Engineer, Salesmen, Teacher, Computer Programmer, Manager, and finally as a Computer Specialist for Unisys Corporation for 18 years, finally ending up as the "Road Man" for 25 house painters, attending to their every need, which turned out to be the best job of my life, a job where "Lou" again became "Louie".
And now I have retired, and I devote all of my time to the pursuit of my freedom, just as you have my dearest loving brothers.
As for a spiritual answer, the answer is also very easy. I met His Holiness in 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when I was 36 years old, and have been absorbed in His Big Picture for the last 26 years, a Big Picture that fits so beautifully with the picture Aron has painted in his story, and that Tom has painted in his nightly broadcasts, and in his publications, and thank God, a Picture that goes beyond all of this, to provide us with an even Bigger Picture, the Picture that is needed to finish what we have all started in our life, without even realizing it, but that only God can finish in His life, when our life and His life again become One, if we like.
2-2-0. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral)? - and the significance of this name for each of us in our age?
2-2-1. Who Is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - within us?
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is the first name of us on the "inside" of us, it is the name of us when we truly know the difference between good and bad within us, by truly accepting and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age, before we die to the flesh. Then we can begin to learn.
It is the first name that God gives to the inside of us, to the original inside of us, which is our pure birth and life within us, after it is awakened by the "Gift of God" for our age, that is, when the wisdom surrounding our soul is awakened by the "Word of God" for our age, and then does battle with the "Enemy of our soul", in order to liberate our soul, to liberate our pure birth and life within us, from our impure birth and life within us, which is the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is the current "us" on the "outside" of us, which is our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, our current life of "selfishness" that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, which in truth are the lives of darkness and evil that we have allowed in our ignorance to grow within us, which now in our ignorance rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with "God's Permission", until we "See God and Steady Him" within us. Amen.
Until then, we interpret our own thoughts as wisdom, while in truth it is just the lives of darkness and evil within us talking to us.
And the name of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is the first state of the Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, on the "Path of God" within Them (peace be upon Them) within us. Amen.
It is the first state of each of the 8 main Prophets of God within us, and of all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets) within us, who came into the world within us over and over again, for the last 200 million years, to help us repent of our sin within us, to help us recover from our fall from the Grace of God within us, by allowing "us", if we like, to join in partnership with God within us, in order to understand it, to understand our fall from the Grace of God within us, to understand our "separation from" God within us.
And having understood it, if we like, to again join in partnership with God within us to return as "One with" God within us, but this with an understanding of our sin within us, of our fall from the Grace of God within us, this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" within us, so we will never fall again, so we will never again become "separated from" God within us, so we will never again live a life of "separation and differences" in the world that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, as we are currently doing, but which in truth is within us, is the world of darkness and evil that we have allowed in our ignorance to grow and come to maturity within us, but which in truth are the 105 million lives of darkness and evil that now ruling over us as the 9 openings of our body, with God's Permission. Amen.
With each of us now in our age, now doing this with our life within us, if we like, again becoming "One with" God within us, if we like, because God has made it so for our age, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, and in this way, to join in partnership with God within us to allow our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, to come to an end, before we die to the flesh.
With each of us in our age, joined in partnership with God within us, now doing this with our life within us, which will return us to God within us, in our lifetime, as "One with" God within us, if we like, instead of continuing to live our current life on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.
Doing all of this, joined in partnership with God within us, in the same way that Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) first did it within us, before us, who are the true mother and father of our current state, of our current state on the "outside" of us of "separation from" God within us, of our current state of living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance as if we are "separate from" God within us.
Of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, who were the first within us to have fallen from the Grace of God within us, and as a result were sent by God within us to this earth world within us, over 200 million years ago within us, to come to the point in their journey that they realized without the slightest doubt that they "Truly Needed God" within us, and having realized this "Truth of our life" within us, to then join in partnership with God within us to repent of their sin, to recover from their fall from the Grace of God within us, and to remove their "separation from" God within us.
And in this way, Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, joined in partnership with God within us, to come to an understanding of their sin, to understand their fall from the Grace of God within us, and through that understanding, to return to God within us, but this time with an understanding of their fall, so They (peace be upon Them) will never fall again, and now so must "we", so must each of us living within us, so must each of us living in our age in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, so must "we" do this with our life within us, with the "Gift of life" within us given to each of us by God within us, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
As it was for Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, before us, doing all of this within us, before They (peace be upon Them) died to the flesh on the "outside" of Them (peace be upon Them), before They (peace be upon Them) physically died to the "outside" of Them (peace be upon Them).
May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and join in partnership with God within us, to do this now with our life, before it is too late, before it is too late to do this with our life, to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, and instead joining in partnership with God within us to completing God's Plan for each of us within us, instead of this, when we eventually do die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation from" God, we become subject to the "suffering of the grave", where "we" become the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies that now secretly rule over us, we become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, and a demon, with God's Permission, and then roam this earth world within us, until Qiyamah within us.
Until we become subject to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" then taking on 105 million rebirths within us, with "us" ending as a worm in hell within us, with only 1 level of consciousness within us, or feeling. In this way, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
2-2-2. The Significance of the Name - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) for each of us in our life
And in this way, this is the significance of the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for each of us in our life, it is the name that God gives the pure birth and life within us, when our awakened wisdom becomes "One with" our liberated soul.
It is the name that God bestows upon our pure birth and life within us, when we have truly accepted and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, the name of His Children (may God be pleased with Him), if we want it, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen
And this is our choice in our life, for our pure birth and life within us, for our soul, not God's choice, it is our choice for our life within us, to give it either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.
This is our choice for our life, about what to do with our pure birth and life, which is now being crucified by our impure birth and life, so we can sin, so we can continue to live a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" and sin, so we can keep our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on our impure birth and life, which is our current life on the "outside" of us, with the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin. This is the truth of us, and of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, not what we are currently told on the "outside" of us, about "us", and about Jesus (peace be upon Him), and about the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), all of which is not true.
This is the choice for our life, about what to do with the "Gift of life" within us, that God has patiently and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, which is our original pure birth and life, which is our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, a pure birth and life which God created and gave to each of us, in His love and compassion, so through contrast we could come to understand who we "Already are", our original pure birth and life within us which is now in our ignorance crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in our ignorance we created and gave to us, in our ignorance, which in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, like weed growing in a beautiful flower garden, which if not regularly pulled out eventually destroy the flower garden.
A life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" within us, which we now see in our ignorance as our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sisters living on the "outside" of us, that we now see in our ignorance as "us" working, and playing, and praying, and planning, and reproducing, and growing, and accomplishing, and ruling, and understanding, and getting sick, getting old, and finally dying, on the outside of us, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but all of which in truth is false, in truth is just a dream.
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter.
"All that you see is a dream. All that you do is just a thought within that dream. All that you appear as is hidden."
"Life is a feast of the world. Its Medicine is a time after a time."
"Its Medicine is a remembrance of God within us In each moment, in each time of prayer, With each thought, each word, each action, each intention, Glorifying His name in each moment, in each time of prayer. Surrendering the responsibility to God for the next moment, For the next time of prayer, which in truth is the next moment."
"Realizing that whether or not we are alive in the next moment Is His will, not ours. May His will be done."
"If we can have this faith with certitude, This faith of Iman, Of absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God within us, That in truth, There is "Nothing other than God" within us, That in truth, "Only God exists" within us, And that in truth, "God is One' within us."
"And if we can have this intention with each breath, That in truth, "God's will be done" within us, Not that our will be done on the "outside" of us."
"And if we can obtain God's qualities and actions within us, In our lifetime, Then that is the state of life, That is the state of Islam, of Christianity, of Judaism, And the state of all of the religions of the world, Both within us and on the "outside" of us, Lived by the True Believers (Mu'mins),' By those who have truly, "Surrendered to the will of God" within us. Amen."
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, the Name of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for our age, is just the first name that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, when we truly know the difference between good and evil within us, when we truly know the differences between heaven and hell within us, between good and evil within us, when the wisdom surrounding our soul within us has been awakened within us by the "Gift of God" for our age, by the life and teaching of God for our age.
By the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, awakened both within us and on the "outside" of us, when the state of the Qutbiyyat of God within us, which is the wisdom beyond intellect within us, our 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom within us which teaches, analyzes, and controls within us, has been awakened through the grace of God within us. Amen.
That is, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
And the second name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul has liberated and become "One with" our soul within us, and gone in search of the light of our wisdom, which in the Islamic tradition is called the Nur, in this way, when our awakened wisdom has liberated our pure birth and life within us from our impure birth and life within us, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin, that is, to continue living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And the third name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when the awakened wisdom within us joined as "One with" the liberated soul within us, finds and becomes "One with" the light of our wisdom within us, or the Nur within us, allowing True Prayer to occur within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", within us.
2-2-3. Quotation From "The Kalimah Song"
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us in our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,
--- Beginning of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
"Only He may worship Him. No one else can do this. We cannot pray with the body."
"It is the life and wisdom united with each other, In a state of propriety mingled with the Nur, And in the concentration of that Light, That One must worship."
"The One has to worship the One who Is. That state of worship with become Him, And that will be understood as that."
"It is this state that is deathless, For which there is no rebirth."
"In this state, The Word and the Worship will become Him, And the Continuous Light And the Wisdom and the Nur will become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahmat In this world and in the next."
"Other than this, There is no other way to become the Ruler Over here and over there." Amen.
--- End of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
[Note: This is a quotation from the beautiful "Kalimah Song", which was sung to us by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on April 26, 1972. In addition, on the same day His Holiness gave us two beautiful wisdom discourses, "How To Merge With The Guru", and "How To Reach and Merge With God", all given on the day that His Holiness told us, at that time, was the "One Good Day In A 100 Years". Please click on the following to read an on-line copy of this material. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
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And the fourth name that God will then give to the inside of us, that we will receive from God within us, for the inside of us, will be Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which is the name of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who in truth is the "Path of God" within us for our age, is the "Gift of God" for our age, is the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, is the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, if we like, and now on the "outside" of us, is the name of His Children (may God be pleased with Us), if we like, which is the true name of each of us living in the world today, that is, if we want it, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
2-2-4. Such Is The "Truth Of Us" & The "Truth Of God" - Within Us, if we like, if we will only accept these truths as "Given to Us" in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, from God within us all, to all of the Children of God for this age, if we like, and then join in partnership with God within us to make it so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, with the Trunk of Iman, or "Perfected Faith" in God within us. And with the Branches of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, which reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet of God" within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age. And if we like, tells us what we need to hear about who we "Already are" for each age, preparing us for our age, when we must make our choice, before it is all over, before the "outside" of us ends for all of us, and we all go onto the hereafter, spending eternity either as "One with" God within us, or as "separate from" God within us, depending on the "crop we grew", the "house we built", while living on the "outside" of us. In this way, the Choice is Ours, not God's
Such is the "truth of us" and the "truth of God" within us, if we like, if we will only accept this truth, as our truth, and then join in partnership with God within us, to make this truth so within us, which first means joining as "One with" the Creation of God within us, with the "Earth of God" within us, so the "Seed of God" within us can germinate, and reveal the "Tree of God' within us, and all of its branches, which are the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us.
And through Them (peace be upon Them), to reveal the "Fruits of God" on that Tree, which are the 6,666 verses of the Holy Qur'an within us, which in truth is within each of us, as the "Holy Tablet" of God within us, which speaks to our faith, in each age, telling us what will help us live properly in each age, that is, before this age, for in our age, God is now tell us, as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, God is now telling us, to invite God within us to return to God within us, that is, to join in partnership with God within us to allow our soul to again become with God within us, before we die to the flesh, and if we do, if we will let God return to God within us, then in the end, "We will be within it", as the Witness. Amen.
The inner "Holy Tablet of God" within each of us, which in truth is the source of all of the religious scriptures in the world on the "outside" of us, that "speaks to our faith" in God in each age, but that in our ignorance we now worship, in one why or another, on the "outside" of us, but which in truth are all one within us, including all of the religious scriptures of the four main religions in the world, of Hinduism, Fire Worship or Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judaism).
With all of them in truth, the religious scriptures on the "outside" of us, like the Hindu Vedas, the Zoroastrian Avesta, the Christian and Jewish New and Old Testaments of the Holy Bible, and the Holy Qur'an, preparing us for this age, if we like, when each of us now have to choose, between God or "us", between God as the "true inside" of us, and "us' as the "false inside" of us, and the illusory reflection of the "false inside" of us, which is the "outside" of us that we now see in our ignorance, which is our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we now see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
But which in truth is within us, as the real but "false inside" of us, as the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow and come to maturity within us, as the 9 openings of our elemental body, as we continued to live in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, all the while with the "false inside" of us ruling over us, with "God's Permission" within us, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, if we like, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us", of "us" as "separate from" Him, as "separate from" God within us.
To "Cure Himself" of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, all of which is only leading us to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, if before we die to the flesh, we do not join in partnership with God within us, to become wise, to learn how to "Hang out with God" within us, to learn how to establish the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us.
In the same way that the apple seed, having become aware of itself, of the truth of itself, that is, that it is an apple seed, cures itself of its current self, living in the earth as "separate from" the earth, and from what is hidden within itself, that is, cures itself of being buried within the earth, by realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the "truth of itself, that it an apple seed, that it is the seed of something else, just waiting to germinate and reveal what is hidden within it, that it is buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for what it is the seed of, that is, for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, having realized, understood, accepted, and joined with this truth of itself.
And in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, and in this way, the apple seed surrenders to the earth that surrounds it, and the earth then realizing that the apple seed is now aware of itself, and of what it hidden within it, then surrenders to the apple seed buried within it, both having realized, understood, accepted, and joined as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within the apple seed buried within the earth.
In this way, allowing the apple seed to then germinate, and reveal what God hid within it, which is the apple tree, and then its fruit, and destroy the apple seed buried within the earth, in the process, as the truth also emerges from within each of us, from within us buried as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the "Earth of God' within us, giving us also the opportunity to reveal what God has hidden within man, which is God within us, and True Man within God within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, the "Story of Them" within us, which in truth we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the "Earth of God' within us, with the Creation of God within us, to tell.
That is the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of what God has hidden within that truth of us, which is True Man within God within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which is the Story of that "Oneness" within us, naturally emerges from within us, like it does within the apple seed, when we are ready to both hear it and either accept or reject it.
And now, in our age, and at this point in our age, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we are all ready to both hear it and to either accept or reject it, that is, to germinate to the truth of us, and to the truth of God within us, or not, if we like, for in truth the Choice is ours, not God's.
Such is the true point of our life in this age, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, in partnership with God within us, to "Become God" within us, to become "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, so God can "Become True Man" within us, so God can become "True Man happening' within us, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to allow this to truly start to happen within us, before we die to the flesh. For then, "God will do "Everything Else", to make our life truly successful in our lifetime, that is, for the wisdom within us to reason over the fate within us, for the qualities of our true inner selves to become victorious over the qualities of our false inner and illusory outer selves. Amen.
Not to continue living on the "outside" of us, trying to continue to act as if God within us, and "us" on the "outside" of us, are separate, not working for wages on the "outside" of us in order to get into heaven, until we die to the flesh, and then go to some illusory heaven either within us or on the "outside" of us, still as "separate from" God within us, still as "separate from" each other, and still as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is false, is not true.
And not to continue worshipping the religious scriptures as God, that is, not to continue worshipping what man has collected from the "Word of God" for each age, that came to us, over and over again, for the last 200 million years, through the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God", as the "Word of God", the "Word of God" that was then passed down verbally from man to man throughout the age, and that man then finally, over the last few years, wrote down as books of paper, and published on the "outside'" of us, as the "only book" of God, although there are many of them, or to reject all of them, all of these "books" of God, as divine, and instead worship "us" and the "outside" of us, as divine, as God, which is what we are all doing, in one way or another, in our age, if we think about it with a little wisdom.
But rather than this, to use them, to use both the religious scriptures, and "us', and the "outside" of us, as the finger of God pointing to the truth within us, to the truth of us within us, as the Witness, and to the truth of God within us, which is what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, if we only have the heart to see it.
But rather than this, to realize the truth of us for our age, that we are all now ready to both hear and to accept, if we like, that in truth "we" are the "Seed of God' buried within the "Earth of God" within us, and as such "we" are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, just waiting to germinate and reveal what is hidden within it, which is the "Tree of God", and that in truth, in our age, God within us is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the "Earth of God" within us, also, just waiting to bloom and reveal what is hidden within it, which is the sweet taste within the "Fruit of God" within us, and again the "Seed of God", but this time a 1000 fold.
And as such is "we" are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God within us is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such, in truth "We are One", God within us, True Man within God within us, "us", and the Creation of God within us, the "Earth of God' within us, are One", as such "We Are The One", we are the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, we are the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.
And if "we" join with Them within us, as "One with" Them within us, to germinate the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, to reveal the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, us, and to bring to maturity the "Fruits of God" on the "Tree of God" within us, then our life will become successful in our lifetime.
That is, if we join in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, and give up all of our "working for wages to get into some illusory heaven", after we die to the flesh, in order to tell and complete this Story within us, in order to tell and bring to completion this Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, our life will become successful in our lifetime.
That is, if "we" join in partnership with God within us, so God within us can could tell and complete this Story within us, then in the end, "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the Witness of this story. Amen.
And this is our choice, to choose either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from God within us, the only true choice in our life, that is, the real and true choice of our life, not who we marry, or how many children we have, or who is the President of our country, or what job we have, or our wealth, or our legacy, for all of that is our karma, our fate, our destiny, all of that is our "drama" on the "outside" of us, a "drama" that must be transcended before we die to the flesh, a "drama" that we can only win, if we stop playing it.
And a "drama" that has absolutely nothing to do with God within us, or with what God is doing within us, except as what we must get God within us to discard, to discard again, as He did before, in order to become "God within us", to discard again, but this time within us, in order for God to again "Become God", but this time within us, and in this way, to reveal what God is doing within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
In this way, all of our "busy work" on the "outside" of us is not our choice, is not the true choice of our life, that God makes available to us, while living on the "outside" of us, for at best it is an "outside" distraction from the "true choice" within us, and if we don't join in partnership with God within us, to make the correct choice within us, which is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, in order to reveal our true heritage, our true birthright, the true destiny of our soul within us, if we don't use our life to move in this direction, at least to start to truly move in this direction, before we die to the flesh, that is, to let out soul complete its journey back into God within us, then all of our "outside' accomplishments, after we do finally die to the flesh, become but the "suffering of our grave" within us, and the consequence of Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, which is 105 million rebirths within us, with us ending as a worm in hell within us with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling.
That is, if we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", living a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" with our dearest loving brothers and sisters, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but in truth is within us, as the world of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, as we lived in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, lives of darkness and evil that now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with "God's Permission", until we "See God and Steady God" within us, if we like, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" as "separate from" God within us, by closing down the world of hell within us, the world of jinns within us, the world of fairies within us, re-opening the world of souls within us, and then opening the kingdom of God within us, if we like. In this way, the Choice is ours, not God's.
Unless we die not having made a choice, for then our choice, or rather the choice that God must then make for us, after we die to the flesh, is made according to the "Justice of God" within us, that is, if we have not joined in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to make that choice with Him, in order to learn how to let our soul complete its journey back to God within us.
And the Justice of God within us is that,
"The Justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive."
So whatever we have told God, over and over again, that we want for eternity, that we have told God, not so much by what we have said that we want for eternity, but rather by what we have shown God that we want for eternity, that is, by the way that we have lived our life on the "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh, and then after we die to the flesh, this is what we will then get for eternity, this is what God must give us for eternity, according to the Justice of God within us, and this is the truth.
Realizing that in truth, we all originally came from God within us, as "One with" God within us, and until we die to the flesh, we are never really "separate from" God within us, even if we are currently acting or living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, and realizing that in truth, hell is simply the realization that we have "separated ourselves" from God within us, which occurs after we die to the flesh, which is where we must go according to the Justice of God within us, if we die in current state.
That is, if we die in our current state of "separation from" God within us, for then, when we die in that state, God must truly "separate us" from Him within us, for eternity, and in truth we did it to ourselves in our ignorance, in our repeated refusal to accept the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, while living on the "outside" of us, even after God revealed this truth to us, over and over again, up to the very end, with "us" in this way, refusing up to the end to let our soul return to God within us, keeping our original pure birth and life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the cross of our elemental body, on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, crucified with the 5 nails of "our desire" to continue living on the "outside" of us, so we can sin, until we die to the flesh.
In this way, what is God to do with us, after we die to the flesh in this state, but in the end, give us what we want, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which in truth is hell within us, not any form or shape of heaven, either within us or on the "outside" of us, which in truth is hell within us, which is where we go within us after we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", which we first experience within us as the "suffering of the grave" within us, where we become the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, that we gave birth to, feed, and raised to maturity within us, as we lived a life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, with "us" then, after we die to the flesh, roaming the earth world within us as these 5 ruhanies, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment).
Which we next experience within us as Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with us taking on as part of the Judgment of God within us, 105 million re-births within us, with "us" ending up within us as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling, in this way, with us taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us. Amen.
Such is what God will then give to us for eternity, if we die in our current state of living on the "outside" of us, that is, living on the "outside" of us as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, at least until we die to the flesh in our current state, and after God then gives us what we what, which is then an eternal life as "separate from" God, which in truth is hell, no matter what we in our ignorance may call it, but it is most certainly, and never heaven, either within us or on the "outside" of us, but rather it is real eternal "separate from" God within us, it is hell, within us, it is an eternal life of "separation from" God within us.
May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, if we are even a little bit wise, before it is too late, before we do die to the flesh, for then, after we die to the flesh, it is all over, and all that we do is get what we have asked for, by the way that we have lived our temporary, illusory life, on the "outside" of us, by the way that we have chosen, either explicitly by joining in partnership with God within us, or implicitly by the way we are currently living our life on the "outside" of us.
That is, either explicitly by "us" joining in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God' within us, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, and in this way, awakening the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, so our wisdom can then do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is "us" and the "outside" of us, which is our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, of "selfishness", on the "outside" of us, with us continuing to live as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from' the Creation of God within us, or implicitly by us trying to continue living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all the while "working for wages to get into heaven", until we die to the flesh.
And in this way, after we die to the flesh, with "us" than harvesting the crop that we have sown, and moving into the house that we have built, while living on the "outside" of us.
In this way, before we die to the flesh, we must make a conscious choice, and not leave it up to God after we die to the flesh, according to the Justice of God within us, for it we do we will be very disappointed, for in this case nothing will turn out as we have been mistakenly told, and hell will become our fate for sure.
Instead, we must choose now, we must choose between God and what God has discarded, which in truth is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we must choose between God within us, and "us" on the "outside" of us, for this is the only real choice, the only true choice, in our life, for everything else is just "drama", the "drama" of "I and you", the "drama" of "mine and yours", and does not have anything to do with where we will end up, after we die to the flesh, has nothing to do with the real and true choice that we came from God within us to make, before we die to t he flesh, the real and true choice that no one is telling us about, on the "outside" of us, until now, because only now are we ready to both hear it and to decide to either accept or reject it, so listen wisely to these "Words of God's Grace" for our age, for the "Children of God" for our age, and choose correctly, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, choose correctly.
And in this way, in truth this is the real and true choice that each of us have to make in our age, in order for our life to become successful in our lifetime, that is, in order for our wisdom to reason over our fate, in order for the qualities of our inner selves, which in truth is the qualities of God within us, to become victorious over the qualities of our outer selves, which in truth are the incomplete qualities of the Creation of God within us.
And our choice must start with the choice for "us" to join in partnership with God within us, before we "say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, which is the choice between the right and wrong of our life, which is the choice between the good and bad of our life, and which is the choice between the truth and falsehood of our life, the choice which in truth defines "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" in our life. And the choice is ours, not God's.
The choice between either continuing to join in partnership with the products of our ignorance, that is, with the illusory "outside" of us, until we die to the flesh, and then go to hell within us, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, all the while in our ignorance nourishing the "false inside" of us, which after we die to the flesh becomes the "suffering of the grave" within us, and then Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment" within us.
And in this way, in our age, in our ignorance, on the "outside" of us, coming to believe in our ignorance that "we are God", or at least capable of doing what God does, that is, that we are capable of doing anything that we want on the "outside" of us, like controlling, predicting, and nourishing life and the world around us.
All of which is false, is not true, both now and after we die to the flesh, and all of which we will immediately realize as false and not true after we die to the flesh, when it is too late to do anything about, because after we die to the flesh, it is all over, and all that is left is to harvest what we have sown, and move into what we have built, not to sow something else, or build something else, for after we die to the flesh, the sewing and building time is permanently over.
And after we die to the flesh, we will meet the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, and if we have grown the right crop, which is the "Stuff of God' within God within us, and if we have built the right house within us, which is a "House of Light" within us, which is the "Palace of the soul" within us, which is the "House of wisdom" within us, the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, then we will be sent to God within us, to allow our soul to continue its journey back to God within us.
But if we have not grown the right crop, which is the "Stuff of God" within us, and instead if we have grown the wrong crop within us, which is the essence of everything that we now see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, and if we have not built the right house within us, which is a "House of Light" within us, and instead we have built the wrong house within us, which is the house of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, then we will get to meet the 5 elemental spirits within us, as the "suffering of the grave" within us.
That is, if we die to the flesh in our current state, then we get to meet and become the 5 ruhanies within us, living as a demons, a jinn, a fairies, and a ghosts within us, roaming the earth world within us until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us' becoming the 5 ruhanies within us, becoming that which we have failed to join with God within us, before we died to the flesh, to transform into a good state within us, before we die to the flesh, if they like, or for them to be discarded from within us, by God within us, if they don't like.
That is, if they like, if they accept the truth hidden within them, which is God within them, within us in partnership with God within us, transforming the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us into the state of the 5 Angels of God (peace be upon Them) within us, which are the Angels Gabriel (the leader of the Angels), Michael (the Angel associated with water), Israfil (the Angel associated with air), Isra'il (the Angel associated with fire), and Rukiel (the Angel associated with ether or the sky and colors) (peace be upon Them) within us. Such is the fate facing each of us within us, if we die in our current state.
And then after we die to the flesh, in our current state, we get to meet the Creation of God within us, as part of Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, the Creation of God that we have failed to join with God within us, before we died to the flesh, to transform into a state of completion within us, if they like, or for them to be discarded from within us, by God within us, if they don't like, but instead, if we die to the flesh, in our current state, then after we die to the flesh, with us taking on 105 million rebirths within us, as part of their judgment within us, after we die to the flesh, with "us" ending as a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom or consciousness within us, or feeling, in this way, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us. Such is the fate facing each of us within us, if we die in our current state.
But there is another choice, still available to us within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die in our current state, in our current state of "separation and differences", in our current state of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
There is still another choice within us, of joining in partnership with God within us, to "Become God" within us, to become "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, or at least start this "Happening" within us, before we die to the flesh, for then, in truth, God will do "Everything Else", to make our life truly successful in our lifetime. This is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen.
And the Choice is ours, not God's. Amen. Something to think about, Yes?
2-2-5. The "Path of God" Within Us - which is what we must join with God within us , to become "One with" within us, if we are to return to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which then joined as "One with" us within God within us, they can then walk back to God within us, if they like, if they are ever to return to God within them within us. Amen
And this way, these four names that God will give to the inside of us, if we like, is the "Path of God" within us, which we must join in partnership with God within us to open, and then to become "One with", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, that is, if we are ever to return to God within us, and if the Creation of God within us are ever to return to God within us within them, the four names of the inside of us, of the "Path of God" within each of us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the four steps of spiritual ascendance: or Shari'at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Ma'rifat.
Shari-at: The realization of good and evil and conducting of one's life Tariqat: The unswerving and complete acceptance of the good, and the carrying out of every action accordingly. Haqiqat: The realization of Divinity and the beginning of communication with God. Ma'rifat: The state of merging with God.
2-2-6. As God Did It Before, So God Must Now Do It Again - but this time, within us, for this is the truth of our life, and the truth of God within our life, and in this way, we are all One, that is, "us", and God within us, and what God is doing within us, are all one, if we like, and what God is doing within us, if we will only let Him, if we will only join as "One with" Him within us, is to do it again, is to do what He did before again, that is, to become God again, but this time within us, that is, for God within us to again reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, if we like, like God within us experienced before us, within Himself before us, which is to join in partnership with God within Him, to reveal God to God within Him, God will most certainly do again within us, if we will only join Him, as He joined God within Him before, and if we do, if we like, then God will most certainly grant us the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge, or order to walk back to Him within us, using this "Path of God" within us, that God has hidden within us, to walk back to Him.
First as the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul, as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and then as our awakened wisdom joined as "One with" our liberated soul, as Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), or as Jesus (peace be upon Him) liberated from His cross in search of the light of our wisdom, in search of the Nur Muhammad within us, and then as Jesus (peace be upon Him) joined as "One with" the Nur Muhammad within us, as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), becoming the "Light of God", the Light of Allahu within us, the light of the 99 wilayats or Powers of God within us, which rule over everything in both this and the next world within us, and finally as Perfected Man, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Insan Kamil, finally as Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) .
In this way, with "us" first walking the "Path of God" within us as "One with" the Creation of God within Him within us, as Iman, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the 6th level of wisdom within us, as the "Palace of the soul", as the "House of wisdom", as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), as the "Shepherd and the Tree" within us.
And then as the liberated soul join as "One with" the awakened wisdom, revealing the Light of man within God within us, as Iman-Islam or the perfectly pure heart within us, then as True Prayer within us, as the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, as the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) on Mi'raj within us, which in the Islamic tradition is the "Night of Power" within us, the journey where the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) removed the final veil within us that separates a True Man from God within us, allowing Him to talk directly to God within us, seeing Himself as a 16 year old youth with a downy mustache within the 'Mirror of the Heart', and finally as the "Guru of God" for all lights on earth, having become the Straight Path, the Siratal Mustaqueem, having become the "Path of God" within us, having become the "worship of the form of the Nur Muhammad" within us, having become the 'Path of God" for all of the Creation of God within us, that is, within Him within us. Amen.
And in this way, using the "Gift of God" for our age, using the life and teaching of God for our age, to walk back to God within us, that is, using the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, to walk back to God within us, and now on the "outside" of us, using the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we truly want it, in order to walk back to God within us, that is, using God within us to walk back to God within us. Amen.
And may we all join in partnership with God within us to stop trying to use everything else, that is, stop trying to use everything other than God within us, to walk back to God within us, and in this way, may we all stop trying to use everything but God within us to return to God within us, that is, may we all stop trying in our ignorance to use the current "us", to return to God within us, that is, stop trying in our ignorance to use the "us" of "separation and differences", and the "outside" of us, to return to God within us.
In this way, may we all stop trying to use what God has discard within us, which is what God has discarded within Himself, in order to return to God within Himself, which is everything that God discarded within Himself in order to become God within us, which is what each of us must now do, in partnership with God within us, in order to discard that which is now the current "us" within us, which we see in our ignorance as the "outside" of us, which we now see in our ignorance as "us" and the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us.
May we all join in partnership with God within us, in order for "us", like God within us did before us, to return to "Oneness" with God within us, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again, as it has never left God within us, and always doing it, as God within us learned to do it before us, that is, always doing each step along the "Path of God" within us, including finding and opening and becoming the "Path of God" within us, in partnership with God within us. Amen.
2-3-0. Who is Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)? - the Holy Man who gave this child the name Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and what is His significance for each of us in our age? 2-3-1. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of us
In 1886 His Holiness, Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), appeared in Ceylon, a small island off the south east coast of India, which is now called Sri Lanka, and started a 100 year journey that would bring Him to America in 1971, where in 1975 He changed His name to Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), to better reflect the changing state of His Children, a journey on the "outside" of us that would end on December 8th, 1986, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, where His Holiness is now buried under a Mazzar or Shrine, erected by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), in a small farming community, near the town of Coatesville, about an hours ride outside of the city of Philadelphia, where all are welcome.
To better reflect the changing state of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), who in truth are all of us living in the world today, if we want it, that is, if the true intention for our life within us is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
That is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our original pure birth and life within us, is to be liberated from our current impure birth and life, both within us and on the "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh, that is, to liberate and move forward on the "Path of God" within us, the "Light of man" within God within us, which originally is our soul within us, gradually becoming if we will let it, the True Prayer of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and finally within us, is seen as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in akhirah or in the next world or the hereafter within us.
If the true intention for our life within us, for our original pure birth and life within us, which originally is our soul within us, and the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, and God within our wisdom within us, which in truth is initially seen as Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, who is now crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, if the true intention for our life within us that Jesus (peace be upon Him) be removed from His cross within us, before we die to the flesh, that He be removed from His cross within us by our wisdom, by our 6th level of wisdom, by the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, by the Qutbiyyat of God within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, by "us" joining as "One with" our wisdom within us, against "us" on the "outside" of us, against the "Enemy of our soul" both within us and on the "outside" of us, and in this way, allowing our wisdom, joined as "One with" us within us, to end "us" on the "outside" of us, by pulling our the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin.
In this way, with "us" within us joining in partnership with God within us, so that Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, which in truth is the "Light of man" within God within us, can be removed from His cross within us, by the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul within us, by our 6th level of wisdom within us, by the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, by the Qutbiyyat of God within us, in this way, "destroying us" as "separate from" God within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and "revealing God" within us.
In this way, joining in partnership with God within us to "separate from us" all that is "separating us from God" within us, allowing us to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die in our current state of "separation and differences", before we die in our current life both within us and on the "outside" of us, which is an impure birth and life that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, to grow over our original pure birth and life within us, and that we only see now in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is really within us, and who now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then, "Cure Himself of us", of us as "separate from" God, without destroying our soul, and the wisdom surrounding our soul, who have now been liberated from what God then discards from Himself, as He did before, to become God within us, that God again discards from Himself, but this time from within us. Amen.
In this way, such is our current state, our current state and life on the "outside' of us, which in truth are within us, are the impure lives of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, and who now in maturity have crucified our soul within us, have crucified our original pure birth and life within us, have crucified Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, with the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us, so we can sin, so we can continue to live a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
In this way, with each of us in our ignorance now living, that is, with each of us currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true. Amen.
And in this way, in 1975 His Holiness, Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) changed His name to Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), to better reflect the changing state of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which if we like, if our true intention for our life is correct, is now all of us living in the world today, if we want it.
2-3-2. The State of "His Children" - as the Light of the Din, as the Light of "Original Power" of God within us
His Holiness describes His Children in the following way:
First, His Holiness teaches us that His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) have already transcended the 4 religions, and in truth are at the station of the Din of God within us, are of the "Original Pure Light" of the "Truth of God" within us, which is our source, from which we have all emerged, which is the "Original Power of God" within us which emerged out of God within us, in the time before the "Beginningless Beginning" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Anathi within us, as the time of darkness or ignorance within us, before Creation within us, when God in "ignorance of Himself" within us asks the question of this Din of God within us, of this "Original Power of God" within us, of the Affulgence of God within us, the question asked by God of God within us, the question, "Who am I?".
And His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are of the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, which if we like, is capable of restoring this "Pure Light of Truth" within us, is capable of making it again emerge out of God within us, as the Din of God within us, as the Muhaiyaddeen of God within us, which is the true energizer of our life within us, returning it to its source within us, by making it, if it likes, again become the source, for everything within us, as an apple seed returns to its source, which is the apple, by first becoming the apple tree, and then bearing fruit.
That is, if we like, if we will only let it, if we will only join as "One with" it within us to do this "Diving work" within us, to do this work first against us, against the current us, against the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, in this way, liberating our soul from our impure birth and life which is currently crucifying our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, from His cross, from our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen.
And in this way, His Children (may God be pleased with Us) are of the Qutbiyyat of God within us, which is our 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom beyond intellect within us, who is responsible for all of the Creation of God within us, who teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, and if they like, moving them also forward along the "Path of God" within us, also back to the Din within us, for in truth,
"There is nothing other than God" within us, "Only God exists" within us, "God is One" within us. Amen.
All of which is referred to in the Christian tradition as the Holy Trinity of God within us, as the "Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, is within us, just waiting to be revealed within us,
"As the Father or God of us all within us, Within our Wisdom within us. As the Sun or Light of Man within God within us, Or the Soul within us. And as the Holy Spirit Or Comforter or God Consciousness Or Wisdom of truth within us, Surrounding our Soul within us".
And all of which is referred to in the Islamic tradition as the Triple Flame of God within us, as "Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen" within us.
All of which God patiently and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, a very long time ago, even before we were born into this earth world, with the Creation of God within us, which we must come to understand within us, and become "One with" within us, in order for the "Seed of God" within us to germinate, before we die to the flesh, in order for the "Seed of God" within us, which in truth is "who we are", which is buried within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the "Earth of God" within us, which in truth is "where we are", to germinate, and in this way, and only in this way, to reveal the "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is God within us, and to then reveal the "Fruits of God" within us, within the "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is True Man within God within us, which in truth is the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, which in truth "What is happening" within us. Amen
And Second, as His Holiness teaches us about His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Tree That Fell To The West: Autobiography of a Sufi", and as a quotation in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for March of 2005,
--- Beginning of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
"When we came back to America again in 1973, in My meditation I saw my self building a Mosque here in America like the one I had started in Ceylon.
You could hear the adhan (the call to prayer) all the way to akhirah (to the next world or hereafter), from this world to the realm of God.
This was the kind of Mosque I was building (in America in My meditation), the Angels, the Messengers, and Myself all coming together to build this Mosque (in America).
(In My meditation) we constructed the Mosque and the dome, and all that remained to be done was painting the dome. Everything else was finished. Its beauty, its Light was indescribably beautiful, Light radiating everywhere. It was the most beautiful Mosque. Only the last coat of paint for the dome had to be put on. I told this to the Children who were there.
There is a Mosque in firdaus, or (eighth) heaven. The Mosque built by Me here in America is like the one in heaven. It is possible to find people in America with the kind of Iman, the kind of absolute faith, (certitude, and determination), you need to reach that firdaus (that eighth heaven).
There was just a little work left for the Mosque (in America) to be completed, and once I did that, I told the Children,
"The Mosque I could not complete in Ceylon, I have completed here in America".
--- End of Quotation From M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) ---
Sources: The book, "The Tree That Fell To The West: Autobiography of a Sufi", and from the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for March, 2005.
2-3-3. The Life And Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "inside" of us
"Within us" is a whole different matter, within us the "Life and Teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)" becomes the "Name of God" for our age, becomes the "Name of the Place of God" within us for our age, becomes the "Name of the Place of Purity" within us for our age, which is a tiny piece of flesh within us no bigger than an atom.
A tiny piece of flesh within us that God placed within us, even before we were born, which includes God within us, and everything within God within us, which is all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like our wisdom, grace, and 'ilm or divine knowledge, and includes everything that "God is doing" within us, for our age, which is God within us revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
In this way, "Within us" is how we establish the "Presence of God" within us, for our age, by allowing our wisdom to stand up within us, so our mind and desire will sit down within us. "Within us" is how we use "God to get to God" within us, is how we get God to "Do it again" within us, that is, to "Become God again", but this time within us, that is, this time within our heart within us, this time within the "handful of earth" that God placed within us, ever before we were born, even before we came to this earth world or dunya.
The "handful of earth" within us which is Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, and with the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within us, from the "Grace of God" within us, is now our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
This "truth of us", and this "truth of God" within us, is something that we must realize, understand, accept, and join with, without the slightest doubt, before we die to the flesh, if we are ever to become successful in our lifetime.
For the "truth of us" within us is that we are the "Seed of God" within us, buried within the Creation of God within us, ready to germinate, if we will only let it, ready to reveal the "Tree of God" within us, and bear the "Fruits of God" within us, if we like. That is, if the true intention for our life within us, which is our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
And the "truth of God" within us, as the "Tree of God" within us, as what bears the "Fruit of God" within us, as what is hidden within us, hidden within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, the "truth of God" within us, is that God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth makes each of us, as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, makes us "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, that is, if we like, if we are willing to give up our current life of "separation and differences" in the world that we current see in our collective ignorance as existing on the outside of us.
2-3-4. Quotation From The "Gospel of John": Chapter 03, Verses 1-7
That is, if we are truly willing to be "born again", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told us to do over 2000 years, we are told the following by Jesus (peace be upon Him), as recorded by the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), in the "Gospel of John", in Chapter 03, Verses 1 to 7, as follows,
-- Beginning of the Quotation From The "Gospel of John", Chapter 3 (V1-7) --
"There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with Him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto to you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus said unto Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (grace) and of the Spirit (wisdom), he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is the flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
-- End of the Quotation From The "Gospel of John", Chapter 3, Verses 1-7 --
2-3-5. Becoming Truly Successful In Our Lifetime - in partnership with God within us
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron, we will only become truly successful in our lifetime, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, not by trying to work for wages to get into some illusory heaven, after we die to the flesh, that is, if we are truly willing to "die before death", as the Sufis (peace be upon Them) have been telling us to do, in the Islamic tradition, for the last 1400 years, that is, with each of us, joined in partnership with God within us, freely and willingly doing this "being born again", and this "dying before dying", freely and willingly giving up the false "us" living on the illusory "outside" of us, before we die to the flesh.
Giving us our current life of ignorance on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is false, is not true, or at least, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, to truly start to give it all up, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, so after we die to the flesh, God within us can then "Do Everything Else", everything else necessary for our life to truly become successful in our lifetime. Amen.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
End of "Page 1 of 2" of Spiritual Letter 72 - Outline & Summary Version - .......................................
This page was last updated on: November 6, 2005